

Motorists caught speeding in Europe face being tracked down and fined, under new EU rules.

At the moment, drivers caught by a speed camera while in their own car abroad cannot be fined because EU police forces do not have the power to trace people abroad.

But the European Parliament is expected to back new measures giving foreign police forces the power to send fines to British addresses and pursue motorists through the UK courts if they do not pay.

The new rules, which are expected to be easily passed by the European Parliament, will allow motorists to be fined for speeding, ignoring a red light, drink and drug driving and driving while using a mobile phone. If a driver commits an offense in another country, the police will be able to use their car's registration number to track them down. They will be given the power to send out a letter in the driver's own language, demanding payment and threatening court action if they do not pay the fine.

British police will also be able to pursue foreign motorists driving in Britain for any traffic and speeding fines they have accumulated in the UK.

If approved, the Bill will apply to member states from May – but the UK will have two years to enforce the new law.

The move, which is backed by ministers, has been welcomed by road safety campaigners. Ed Morrow, from the organization Brake, said: “For a driver who puts lives at risk to escape prosecution because their vehicle is registered in another country is both insulting and incomprehensible for victims. Illegal driving crosses borders, so enforcement must cross borders too.”

The Department for Transport added: “It’s not right that foreign drivers have gone unpunished for speeding offenses in the UK, and we are pleased this is set to change. But it mustn't be easier for British drivers to be prosecuted abroad than for foreign drivers to be prosecuted in the UK. We have made this clear from the outset of the negotiations.”


1.Why can’t people be fined although they are caught speeding abroad at the moment?

A EU police do not have the power to trace them abroad.

B The European Parliament don’t approve them of doing so.

C It’s not easy for people to be prosecuted abroad.

D It will put risk at people’s lives if they are traced down.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第二段drivers caught by a speed camera while in their own car abroad cannot be fined because EU police forces do not have the power to trace people abroad可知,尽管有超速视频作证,但欧盟警察却无法对其进行罚款,因为他们没有跨国执法的权力。

2.In which case will the drivers be free of punishment?

A Drink drive.

B Driving while using a mobile phone.

C Ignoring a red light.

D Smoking while driving.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第四段The new rules…will allow motorists to be fined for speeding, ignoring a red light, drink and drug driving and driving while using a mobile phone可知,新的交规禁止超速,闯红灯,酒后或吸毒驾驶,以及驾驶时使用手机,否则将予以罚款。但没有涉及开车时吸烟,故选D。

3.What power will EU police have when the new rules come into effect?

A They have the power to prosecute drivers if they break rules abroad.

B They can take the drivers to court with their registration number.

C They will send letters to the drivers demanding the payment.

D They will threaten court action if a driver breaks traffic rules abroad.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第四段第三句They will be given the power to send out a letter in the driver's own language, demanding payment and threatening court action if they do not pay the fine可知,新交规赋予欧盟警察的权利是给违法司机传递罚款通知单。故选C。

4.What view does Ed Morrow have about illegal driving across borders?

A It’s not right for drivers to put lives at risk without prosecution.

B Drivers should be tracked down if they drive illegally abroad.

C Drivers should not register their vehicles in a foreign country.

D It’s insulting for victims when a driver escapes prosecution.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第七段最后的Illegal driving crosses borders, so enforcement must cross borders too可知,Ed Morrow的态度相当明确和坚决,即既然能够跨国违法,就应当跨国执法。

5.What is the author’s attitude toward the new rule?

A Enthusiastic.

B Concerned.

C Suspicious.

D Negative.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据文章中的back, welcomed, insulting and incomprehensible可以判断,作者对于新交规的制定和实施持乐观态度,作者非常支持欧盟打击跨国违章的决定。