
Lajamanu is a very dry Australian town near the Tanami Desert. It sees very little normal rain, but it has experienced no less than four “fish rains” in the last half-century — once in 1974, another in 2004, again in 2010, and last Sunday. Locals say that live fish started falling from the sky during a heavy storm.

Such unusual natural phenomena have been reported in the past. However, Michael Hammer, a curator(馆长) of fishes who has examined such incidents(事件) in the past, says that many times people just come out after the rain and see the fish everywhere. They don’t actually see it falling out of the sky, but prefer to believe it rained from the clouds. 

However, in the case of Lajamanu, there is plenty of reason to believe that the fish did rain down during a storm. There are no watering holes near the town. The fish picked up from the streets were recognized as spangled perch. They are common freshwater fish that were not supposed to be in Lajamanu.“They are a relatively large fish and they’re not able to be drawn up out of the water and held up in the sky for very long,” ichthyologist(鱼类研究者) Jeff Johnson said. “But clearly that’s what has happened.” 

Another confusing thing about this most recent case of raining fish is that the people of Lajamanu say that at least some of the fish were alive. An expert says that, as long as they were not lifted too high, it would not be impossible for fish to remain alive as they are carried by the storm, even over long distances.


1.Lajamanu recently experienced its __________ rain of fish in the last 50 years.

A first

B second

C third

D fourth

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第一段的“it has experienced no less than four ‘fish rains’ in the last half-century — once in 1974, another in 2004, again in 2010, and last Sunday.”可知,在过去半个世纪里,此地经历了不下四次“鱼雨”——一次是1974年,另一次是2004年,还有2010年,最近一次(第四次)就是上周末这次。故选D。

2.What do the fish rains in the past have in common?

A No one believe fish rained from the clouds.

B People don’t see fish falling out of the sky.

C A lot of people come out to see the fish rains.

D They all happen at the same time every year.


3.What is TRUE about spangled perch?

A They are large in size.

B They are native to Lajamanu.

C They are expensive.

D They live in the sea.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第三段的“They are a relatively large fish”可知,星条旗鲈体型比较大。故选A。

4.What can we know from the last paragraph?

A All the fish were found alive.

B Fish can’t be lifted too high.

C Fish can survive the storm.

D Some fish can travel longer distances.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“it would not be impossible for fish to remain alive”可知,专家认为鱼也是有可能在暴风雨的携带中生存下来。故选C。

5.Which of the following is a suitable title for the passage?

A It Keeps Raining Fish In Lajamanu

B Freshwater Fish Appear In Lajamanu

C People in Lajamanu Find Some Fish Alive

D Lajamanu, A Town That Is Good For Fish
