两岁男孩走失 志愿者凭直觉找回
两岁男孩走失 志愿者凭直觉找回

62-year-old Roy Link came to an open field and was met with a choice—two wooded areas with a small clearing in between. Link said he decided on intuition(直觉) alone and chose the woods on his left. Immediately after entering the forest he heard a low weak cry. As it got louder, he find a little boy, Joshua JJ Rowland, about 100 feet away.

JJ was standing in the bush without socks or shoes. He’s crying for his mother. “We’re going to Mama,” Link kept telling him. JJ was discovered about 2 miles north of his home.

JJ’s mother said that she and her child were sleeping around 9:30 a.m Thursday. When she woke up, the toddler was missing. She spent around an hour looking for him before calling the police. As of Friday, hundreds of local volunteers had been helping in the search for JJ.

Link said he had planned on fishing Friday morning, but that changed when his wife told him the police was looking for volunteers to search for JJ. 

“That long period—everybody starts thinking the worst, and it’s hard not to. ” Link said. “All that bad stuff starts going through your mind, but then finding him healthy and alive, it’s just...wow.”


1.Where was JJ when Link found him?

A In an open field.

B On a small farm.

C In the woods.

D Near a lake.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第一段的“...chose the woods on his left. Immediately after entering the forest he heard a low weak cry...”可知,Link在树林里发现了JJ。故选C。

2.Why was JJ crying?

A He wanted his mom.

B He lost his shoes.

C He was afraid of Link.

D He needed new socks.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第二段的“He’s crying for his mother”可知,JJ哭着找他的妈妈。故选A。

3.Who does the underlined part “the toddler” refer to?

A JJ’s mother.

B Joshua JJ Rowland.

C The police.

D Roy Link.

解析:选B。B词意指代题。根据第三段最后一句的“had been helping in the search for JJ”可知失踪的是JJ,即toddler指的是JJ。故选B。

4.How long was JJ lost?

A For half an hour.

B For about an hour.

C For about 24 hours.

D For over two days.


5.The passage is most probably _______.

A a piece of news

B a novel

C a notice

D a letter
