
Cat lovers from across Europe have been flying to Poland to meet a city’s top rated attraction.

A black-and-white cat named Gacek is now a star in Szczecin, a city in northwestern Poland. The cute cat has become the top-rated tourist attraction in the Polish city, clocking up more than 2,500 reviews and achieving a near perfect 4.9/5 score, local news reports. For years Gacek has been living out of a box on Kaszubska Street, earning the affection and attention of locals who are keen to feed the hungry animal.

According to a local woman, Gacek first appeared on Kaszubska Street in downtown Szczecin about 10 years ago. He stuck around and people started taking a liking to him. Many of them also started feeding him, so from a thin cat, he soon turned into a fat animal, which only made him more adorable. In 2020, a video about him became popular on the Internet. Since then many people have made the journey to Szszecin to meet the “King of Kaszubska Street” for themselves.

According to Notes From Poland, Gacek does have a few one-star reviews, mostly from people who criticize(批评) his caretaker or express worry about his weight, but in all, the cat’s reviews are good.

Gacek lives in a roofed wooden box outside a shop on Kaszubska Street, and even though he doesn’t technically have an owner, the people who run the shop act as his caretakers. There is a sign outside his house that reminds passers-by to leave whatever treats they have for the cat in a sealed(密封的) container and to refrain from petting him when he’s sleeping in case of being hurt.

“As expected, he didn’t pay any attention to me which made the experience fully wholesome(有益身心的),” one visitor from Oslo who claimed to have made the trip all the way from Oslo, Norway — a journey of close to 1,000 kilometres — to meet the cat wrote. “If I could have dinner with anyone in the world, I would fly again in an instant to feed him. Can recommend!”


1.What can we know about Gacek?

A He first appeared on Kaszubska Street in 2010.

B Gacek has been living in a zoo in Poland.

C Many people started to know him from a video.

D The famous star is black and grey.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段倒数第二句“In 2020, a video about him became popular on the Internet.”可知,2020年,一个关于这只猫的视频让大家知道了它的存在。故选C。

2.Why do some people have bad reviews of the cat?

A Because they think he is too fat.

B Because they think he is ugly.

C Because they think he is unfriendly.

D Because they think he is dirty.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第四段的“mostly from people who criticize his caretaker or express worry about his weight”可知,一些人担心他的体重,因为他太胖了。故选A。

3.What does the underlined word “refrain” mean?

A Doubt.

B Lock.

C Express.

D Prevent.

解析:选D。D词意猜测题。根据划线部分后文“in case of being hurt”可知告示牌提醒路人“不要”在Gacek睡觉的时候抚摸它,以防被伤到。故选D。

4.What does the visitor from Oslo think of his journey?

A Meaningless.

B Worthy.

C Scary.

D Peaceful.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据最后一段的“made the experience fully wholesome”和“Can recommend!”可知,这位游客认为这次旅行很值得。故选B。