
Wang Xinan is offering help to families with disabled children in Changsha, Hunan province. 

Wang’s life became challenging soon after her son, nicknamed Chengcheng, was born in 2000. One day, she found her baby boy didn’t appear to respond normally to loud noises. A cup hit the ground next to Chengcheng while he slept. It didn’t wake him. In another incident that occurred during one of his naps, an iron plate fell outside, causing quite a bit of noise. Again, he remained asleep. Wang eventually had a doctor examine Chengcheng further. When he was about one year old, the doctor said he had severe hearing loss.

Wang was crestfallen. She remembers spending days crying and thinking about ending her life. Luckily, she received lots of support from her family. They encouraged her to focus more on educating Chengcheng. Wang decided to let go of her sadness and began teaching her son to read lips when he was just 18 months old. It’s not easy to teach any child to pronounce words, let alone one with hearing loss. But Wang didn’t give up. She bought Chengcheng a hearing aid, and taught him to watch her mouth and let him touch her throat as she spoke. Within two months, Chengcheng could say a few easy words like “baba” and “mama”. Gradually, Chengcheng’s ability to speak and read lips improved, and he was able to attend normal schools as he got older. He received a cochlear(耳蜗的) implant in 2012 when he was in junior high school, and eight years later, he went to a university.

Wang decided to use the skills she learned to help other families with children like her son. In 2003, she launched a free workshop to teach children how to speak and read lips. In 2010, Wang set up a rehabilitation(康复) center. The center has attracted many teachers and is now the largest in the city serving the disabled. So far, 3,000 families have received help, and 1,600 children with various disabilities have attended courses at the center.


1.Why did the writer mention the cup and the iron plate?

A To make us know Chengcheng’s habits.

B To make the passage fun.

C To show Chengcheng isn’t active.

D To show Chengcheng’s hearing problem.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第一段第三句“she found her baby boy didn’t appear to respond normally to loud noises.”可知,成成对周围的声音似乎没有反应,表现为:她不小心打碎了一个杯子,声音挺大的,但是孩子却没有被吵醒;屋外面有一块铁板掉落下来,响声巨大,但睡在摇篮里的成成却毫无反应,没有醒来。故选D。

2.What does the underlined word “crestfallen” mean?

A Independent.

B Responsible.

C Heartbroken.

D Extraordinary.

解析:选C。C词义猜测题。根据划线部分后面的“She remembers spending days crying and thinking about ending her life.”可知,王喜南深受打击,终日以泪洗面,甚至有过轻生的念头,即她当时伤心欲绝。故选C。

3.What is the right order for these events? ①Chengcheng was found to have severe hearing loss. ②Chengcheng received a cochlear implant. ③Wang taught Chengcheng to read lips. ④Wang set up a rehabilitation center. ⑤Wang launched a free workshop.

A ①⑤②④③

B ①③⑤④②

C ②①③④⑤

D ③①④②⑤


4.Which of the following can best describe Wang Xinan?

A Determined and caring.

B Cautious and honest.

C Brave and open-minded.

D Confident and creative.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。虽然王喜南的儿子成成天生患有严重的听障,但她帮助成成学会了说话并像正常孩子一样考上了大学,这说明了她的意志坚定;她后来创办免费的工作室以及康复中心帮助聋哑以及残疾儿童,这说明她很有爱心。故选A。