
As a father, I have been thinking a lot about social media. Why do our kids waste so much time on them? Maybe it’s because they’re not all bad. For all the harm social media can do to our kids, it can also do a lot of good—if we teach them to use it wisely.

1. Community

Social media may be the only best way to stay in contact with family and friends who you can’t see often. Just like the Christmas cards you may receive, there’s a chance for you to learn about what’s happening in their lives. It can also be a supplement(补充) to face-to-face communications. What’s more, social media allows you to meet other people across the world who share a common hobby.

2. Personal Expression

All kids want to be able to express themselves. For example, they may want to dress themselves, pick out their own shoes, or paint their room a new color. Social media can be a way for your kids to express what’s meaningful to them. What they write, post, or take part in will help you learn what they think is important.

3.   ▲   

Advice and life skills are all over social media, and some content(内容) can even go deeper into educational chances. These can help develop new interests or lead to a deeper love for things your kids have already been learning. This content can even serve as an introduction to some future jobs they’re interested in.


1.Who was the passage written for?

A Teenagers.

B Parents.

C Teachers.

D Experts.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据第一段出现的“As a father”“our kids”以及“we teach them”可知,作者是一个父亲,这篇文章是写给父母读的。故选B。

2.How many advantages of social media are mentioned in keeping in contact?

A Two.

B Three.

C Four.

D Five.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知,作者提到了社交媒体在社群方面三个好处:孩子可以与不常见面的亲朋好友保持联系、作为面对面交流之后的补充、找到世界各地爱好相同的人。故选B。

3.What can we learn from Para. 3?

A All kids want to paint their rooms by themselves.

B Many kids do things that are not meaningful to parents.

C Social media help improve parent-child relationships.

D Parents can only learn about their kids through social media.


4.Which can be put in the “ ▲ ”?

A Education.

B Trust.

C Creativity.

D Interest.

解析:选A。A段落大意题。根据第四段中的关键词“educational chances”“learning”“future jobs”等可知,本段主要介绍了社交媒体在孩子教育方面的好处。故选A。

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A 3 Ways To Use Social Medial Wisely.

B Why We Should Think Creatively.

C Why Social Media Is Harmful.

D 3 Benefits Of Social Media.
