
Lions, tigers, and bears definitely aren’t meant to live as a pack. But not every animal has been through the trauma that made them have close relationships with each other.

Back in 2001, police went into a house in Atlanta, Georgia to catch the criminal. In the basement of the house, they came across a heartbreaking sight. There sat three frightened and weak animals that certainly didn’t belong in anyone’s home.

The African lion, Leo, had been in a small box with an open wound on his face. Shere Khan, the Bengal tiger, was thin and weak, and the black bear, Baloo, was hurt. But their nightmare(噩梦) was finally over. The police took them to Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary, an animal rescue in Locust Grove. There, they’d spend the rest of their days on a beautiful 250-acre property. They’d already been through too much in their short lives to ever be released back into the wild.

“When they were first brought to the sanctuary, Baloo, Shere Khan, and Leo were injured, frightened and clinging to one another for comfort,” keeper Allison Hedgecoth said. And as they got more comfortable, they played together and became good friends. For 15 years, Baloo, Leo, and Shere Khan lived, slept, and ate in the same habitat. And after surviving such horror(恐惧) together, they couldn’t have been happier.

Leo and Shere Khan spent the rest of their lives with Baloo before they passed away, respectively(分别地), in 2016 and 2018. And Baloo was there for both of their burials. While everyone at the sanctuary is still heartbroken over their deaths, they find a feeling of emotional comfort in knowing they gave all three a fantastic life together. And they’re making sure Baloo knows he isn’t alone.


1.What does the underlined word “trauma” mean?

A Abilities to remember things.

B Pleasant activities.

C Public spirits.

D Unhappy experiences.

解析:选D。D 词义猜测题。根据后文描述“a heartbreaking sight”“There sat three frightened and weak animals”可知,这三只动物都受伤了并且很虚弱,由此推断它们经历了不好的事情,受到了“创伤”。故选D。

2.How did the police make the animals’ pain end?

A By taking them to an animal rescue.

B By giving them food and warmth.

C By making friends with them.

D By calling animal doctors.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第三段第四句“The police took them to Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary, an animal rescue in Locust Grove.”可知,警察把它们送到了一个动物救援所。故选A。

3.What is the right order? ①Baloo was saved. ②Shere Khan died. ③Leo was hurt. ④Leo passed away. ⑤Leo and Shere Khan became friends.

A ①②③④⑤

B ④①③⑤②

C ③①⑤④②

D ②①③④⑤

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据全文内容可知,这三只动物受伤之后,警察在搜索罪犯的时候发现了它们,并把它们带到动物救援所,在那里,它们成为了朋友。一起过了15年后,在2016年,Leo去世了,2018年,Shere Khan也离开了这个世界。故选C。

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A An animal Rescue In Locust Grove Saved Many Animals.

B Lion, Tiger, And Bear Become Lifelong Friends After Being Rescued.

C Animals Can Live A Fantastic Life With Humans’ Help.

D Animals Often Hide In The Basement Of The House.

解析:选B。B 主旨大意题。根据全文内容可知,本文主要描述了三只猛兽——狮子、老虎和棕熊——在被救后生活在一起成为朋友的相关情况。故选B。