
As I was walking down the aisle at the grocery store, I passed a dad talking to his teenage daughter. “You spent four hours on TikTok last night!?” he questioned. The clear disappointment in his voice led to an ongoing argument about social media as I quickly exited the aisle. Afterwards, I thought of countless ways social media could be harmful. Why do we waste so much time on those platforms? Maybe it’s because they’re not all bad. For all the harm social media can do to our kids, it can also do a lot of good—if we teach them to use it wisely.


Social media may be the single best way to stay in contact with family and friends you can’t see on a regular basis. Just like the Christmas cards you may have received weeks ago, there’s an opportunity for an ongoing update of what’s happening in their lives. It’s a great supplement(补充) to stay engaged between in-person interactions. What’s more, social media allows you to meet other people across the world who share a common passion.


Tips, tricks, and life skills are all over social media, but some content can even go deeper into educational opportunities. These can help develop new interests or generate a deeper passion for things your kids have already been learning. This content can even serve as an intro(前奏) to some career paths they’re interested in before diving all-in with it as their college major.


As kids begin to produce their own content, it gives them a space to be creative. Whether it’s new dance moves, trick shots, baking recipes, or an artistic graphic, the opportunities are endless. Even if it’s just saved in their archives(收藏夹) and never posted, they had a chance to think creatively.


1.What purpose does the first paragraph serve?

A To bring up the topic.

B To express the main idea.

C To promote the social media.

D To introduce his two new friends.


2.Who did the writer write the passage for?

A Teenagers.

B Parents.

C Journalists.

D Professors.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“For all the harm social media can do to our kids, it can also do a lot of good—if we teach them to use it wisely.”以及第三段出现的“your kids”可知,这篇文章是站在父母的角度所写,即写给父母读的。故选B。

3.What is the right order for ▲1, ▲2, and ▲3? ①Education ②Community ③Creativity

A ②③①

B ①③②

C ②①③

D ③①②

解析:选C。C段落大意题。根据第二段的“stay in contact with family and friends”“stay engaged between in-person interactions”以及“to meet other people across the world”可知第二段主要介绍了社交媒体在“沟通交流”方面的好处;根据第三段的“educational”“learning”“their college major”可知本段主要介绍了社交媒体在教育方面的好处;根据第四段的“creative”“think creatively”可知本段主要介绍了在培养创造力方面的好处。故选C。

4.Which is a suitable title for the passage?

A 3 Ways To Use Social Medial Wisely.

B Why We Should Think Creatively.

C Why Social Media Is Harmful.

D 3 Benefits Of Social Media.
