

A cat that was buried after being hit by a car has come back from the dead. It surprised everybody, but that is true. The cat managed to dig himself out of the grave.

Bart seemed to be lifeless after being found in the middle of a road by his heartbroken owner. The owner had to bury Bart. But five days later, the two-year-old cat was seen in a neighbour's garden. Bart was not dead, but the wounds on his body were very serious.

"He had dug himself out of the grave and slowly made his way back home," the doctors said in the Humane Society. They are now looking after Bart because his owner doesn’t have enough money to pay for the treatment.

Doctors made an operation and took one of the cat’s bad eyes. They hope Bart will get better quickly, so he can go back to his owner soon.


1.What is the name of the cat?

A Cat.

B Bart.

C Bat.

D Bad.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,故选B。

2.“Bart seemed to be lifeless” infers he was_____ .

A dead

B asleep

C boring

D single

解析:选A。A 内容理解题。根据第二段内容可知猫无生命迹象被埋了,故选A。

3.What happened to Bart before he was buried?

A He was badly ill.

B He was hit by a car.

C He was beaten to death.

D He was hit by a truck.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段A cat that was buried after being hit by a car…可知,故选B。

4.Which part of the cat was removed?

A One of his legs.

B One of his ears.

C One of his eyes.

D His tail.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据最后一段Doctors made an operation and took one of the cat’s bad eyes.可知,故选C。

5.What will the owner feel when he sees his cat come home from the Humane Society?

A Heartbroken.

B Sad.

C Excited.

D Upset.

解析:选C。C 态度观点题。由猫死去主人伤心可知,主人很在乎这只猫,猫死而复生必定让主人高兴,故选C。