
Do you know an inspiring teacher?

News Corp Australia has partnered with ANZ, Teachers Mutual Bank, Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools, and Care for Kids to find Australia’s Best Teachers. This campaign aims to change the way teachers are viewed in Australia by highlighting the realities of the profession in 2023.

Each Sunday from the end of February until May, News Corp papers and online will share stories about the most inspiring, creative, and talented educators in the country. These stories will show how the passion and commitment of individuals are transforming education in Australia.

Readers can recommend their favorite teachers using the form provided below.

The campaign comes as Australia faces an unprecedented(史无前例的) teaching shortage, declining student performance outcomes, and inequalities in access to education in Australia.

“We’ve lost sight of the critical role teachers play in our society, in educating our children, and improving our communities,” Mr. English said. “Australia’s Best Teachers is about improving the status of teachers and the creative, incredible work they do.”

News Corp Australia’s national editor 360 Commercial, Louise Roberts, said, “Our purpose with this campaign is to inform Australians about the reality of teaching in 2023, inspire them to think differently about the role of teaching in our society, and advocate for a better working environment in which teachers can focus on teaching.” 

The campaign will come to an end in May with a special edition of News Corp’s Saturday magazines celebrating Australia’s Best Teachers.


1.Why does Australia launch Australia’s Best Teachers campaign?

A To search for the best students in Australia.

B To encourage more people to become teachers.

C To improve the status of teachers in Australia.

D To introduce Australia’s education to the world.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句的“change the way teachers are viewed in Australia by highlighting the realities of the profession in 2023”可知该项活动旨在改变澳大利亚民众对教师的看法,结合后文可知,即提高教师的社会地位。故选C。

2.How will the campaign inform Australians about the reality of teaching in 2023?

A By organizing conferences to discuss.

B By sharing stories about inspiring educators.

C By comparing student performance outcomes.

D By highlighting the challenges faced by teachers.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“Each Sunday from the end of February until May, News Corp papers and online will share stories about the most inspiring, creative, and talented educators in the country.”可知,该活动通过分享澳大利亚最激励人心、最具创造性和最才华横溢的教育工作者的故事让民众了解该行业的现状。故选B。

3.What’s Louise Roberts’s attitude towards the campaign?

A Objective.

B Supportive.

C Opposed.

D Indifferent.

解析:选B。B观点态度题。根据关键词“inspire”“advocate for”等可推断,Louise Roberts对此项活动持支持态度。故选B。

4.Australia’s Best Teachers campaign will end in May with _________.

A feedback on the current state of education

B a special edition for celebrating the campaign

C the announcement of the most inspiring teachers

D the launch of a new program about teachers’ salaries

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据最后一段可知,此项活动结束时,News Corp’s Saturday杂志将出一期特刊,庆祝“澳大利亚最佳教师”活动。故选B。