

When Samuel Forrest of Armenia heard a baby crying from outside his wife's hospital room, he knew his life would change forever. 

“When I walked into the room they all turned to me and said ‘Leo has Down syndrome’,” he told ABC News. “I had a few moments of shock.” After a moment, Forrest held Leo for the very first time. 

“They took me to see him and I looked at this guy and I said, he’s beautiful -- he’s perfect and I’m absolutely keeping him.” 

Soon Forrest walked into his wife's hospital room with Leo in his arms. Her reaction was unlike one he ever expected. “She told me if I kept him then we would get a divorce.” 

“What happens when a baby like this is born here? They will tell you that you don’t have to keep them,” Forrest said. “My wife had already decided, so all of this was done behind my back.” 

Despite his wife's warnings, Forrest said he never had a doubt in his mind that he would hold onto his son. One week after his birth, Leo's mom filed for divorce. 

“It’s not what I want,” Forrest said. “I didn’t even have a chance to speak with her in privately about it.” 

Forrest has plans for himself and Leo to move to his native country of New Zealand where he said they’ll receive support from loved ones. 


1.What is the name of the newborn?

A Samuel Forrest.

B Leo.

C New Zealand.

D Forrest.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句Leo has Down syndrome可知,故选B。

2.What’s wrong with Leo?

A He has heart disease.

B He has Down syndrome.

C He is born deaf.

D He is born blind.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,故选B。

3.Which can be used to describe Leo’s mother?

A Excited.

B Happy.

C Optimistic.

D Disappointed.

解析:选D。D 判断推理题。根据文章内容可知Leo的母亲抛夫弃子起诉离婚可知生下这个孩子并没有给她带来快乐而是失望,故选D。

4.“She told me if I kept him then we would get a divorce.” suggests that________.

A Forrest’s wife didn’t love him any longer

B Forrest’s wife didn’t want to keep her baby

C Forrest’s wife didn’t like kids

D Forrest’s wife never thought to have a baby

解析:选B。B 判断推理题。因为害怕抚养患病的Leo,所以Leo的母亲选择离婚离开他,故选B。

5.Where are Forrest and his son going to live?

A Armenia.

B America.

C New Zealand.

D New England.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段可知,故选C。