抗癌成功儿童曾与偶像合影 23年后与偶像再次相见
抗癌成功儿童曾与偶像合影 23年后与偶像再次相见

People born around 2000 in the US most probably grew up watching the very lovable Steve Burns playing “Steve” on the kids’ show, “Blue’s Clues”. They were also probably shattered when, in 2002, Steve decided to move on from the popular show to pursue a career in music and voice-over(配音) acting.

In a 2021 video, Steve finally got around to apologizing to his fans for leaving the show, saying he’s “super glad we’re still friends”. His message touched his now-adult fans and they believe that he still thinks about his fans, particularly fans like Brandon Ragland.

Back in 2000, Brandon was 4 years old and battling cancer. He was also fully interested with “Blue’s Clues”, so when he was chosen for the Make-A-Wish program, the choice was clear. He wanted nothing more than to meet Steve! His wish came true, and Brandon met Steve in a New York City restaurant, went shopping at Toys “R” Us, and got to see “Blue’s Clues Live”.

It’s a day Brandon never forgot. Thankfully, he was able to beat his cancer, and now he’s a 27-year-old with a son of his own. When he heard that Steve would be making an appearance at Steel City Con in Monroeville, Pennsylvania, he went and waited in line until he was once again face-to-face with his childhood hero.

Brandon showed Steve the photos, and he was surprised to hear Steve say, “I remember this! I remember you!” Steve recalled the night exactly. Steve insisted on taking a photograph of the two of them, “just for him personally to keep”. Both men were holding back tears when Steve told Brandon, “I’m so happy you’re here, this made my entire year.”

“I thanked him for not only being there today, but meeting me all those years ago,” Brandon said, adding that Steve is “one of the nicest and most genuine people I’ve had the pleasure to meet. I think he might have been more moved than I was throughout the process.”


1.What does the underlined word “shattered” probably mean?

A Awkward.

B Upset.

C Frightened.

D Excited.

解析:选B。B 词义猜测题。根据第一段第一句的“most probably grew up watching the very lovable Steve Burns playing ‘Steve’ on the kids’ show, ‘Blue’s Clues’”和后面的“Steve finally got around to apologizing to his fans for leaving the show”可知,出生在2000年前后的美国人很可能是看着史蒂夫·伯恩斯(Steve Burns)的儿童节目《蓝色线索》长大的,由此可以说明这档节目深受人们喜爱,后来他还为离开节目道了歉,由此可推测当他离开这档节目时,很多人感到很难过。故选B。

2.What was 4-year-old Brandon’s wish?

A Beating his cancer.

B Watching Blue’s Clues.

C Buying more toys.

D Meeting Steve.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第三段第三句的“He wanted nothing more than to meet Steve!”可知,他当时的愿望是见到史蒂夫。故选D。

3.How did Steve and Brandon feel about their meeting again?

A Moved.

B Shocked.

C Thankful.

D Nervous.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第五段中的“Both men were holding back tears when Steve told Brandon”以及第六段最后一句的“I think he might have been more moved than I was”可知,布兰登和史蒂夫在23年后再次见面时,他们都很感动。故选A。

4.Where can we probably read the passage?

A In a science magazine.

B In a school report.

C In a life newspaper.

D In travel guide.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据全文内容可知,本文主要讲述了曾经非常受欢迎的节目主持人在23年前曾和患癌症粉丝会面合影,23年后他们再次见面的故事。我们最有可能在生活报纸上读到该文。故选C。