女婴病危!父亲心急如焚超速驾驶 暖心交警化身“天使”施救
女婴病危!父亲心急如焚超速驾驶 暖心交警化身“天使”施救

Victoria O’Neal and her husband, Derrick Stroud, recently welcomed three kids, and they are happy about it.

Unluckily, not long after, danger struck. One afternoon, Victoria noticed that one of their babies, Amelia, was having trouble breathing. Worried, as any mother would be, she called Derrick and asked him to return home to take their little one to the hospital.

Derrick came home and took 9-week-old Amelia to the hospital. Fear set in knowing that his daughter’s condition was worsening, so he raced to get help at the hospital in Greenville. Unluckily, we all know what can happen when you speed. Derrick said he knew how fast he was going and that being pulled over was a likely result. But it was worth it to save his daughter who was battling RSV symptoms.

Traffic police officer Matthew Brown is the one who stopped Derrick. After looking at baby Amelia, he said he knew he had to move quick to save her life. “When I got there, the baby was unresponsive(没反应的) sitting in the child’s seat,” Matthew said. “I turned her head towards me and I could see that her lips started to go blue and she was having a lot of trouble breathing. Once I got her out of the seat, she started to breathe a little bit better. Her blueness started to go away and I started to rub her back to keep her awake where she could focus on getting her breathing back to normal.”

Once Matthew got Amelia to respond, a medical team was called and she was taken to a local hospital. She was later transferred(转移) to a children’s hospital in Greenville where she was treated for RSV. Amelia’s parents are so grateful for his knowledge and approach to the emergency.  “Literally, it’s like God sent him to be there,” Derrick said. Now, Amelia is as happy and healthy as her two sisters.


1.What does the underlined word “danger” refer to?

A Victoria couldn’t find Amelia.

B Victoria was having RSV.

C Amelia had difficulty breathing.

D Derrick had to return home.

解析:选C。C 词意指代题。根据划线部分后面的“One afternoon, Victoria noticed that one of their babies, Amelia, was having trouble breathing.”可知,那天下午,这位新妈妈发现自己的小孩呼吸困难,这对她来说是一个危险。故选C。

2.What did Derrick do on the way to the hospital?

A He asked for help from strangers.

B He drove over the speed limit.

C He battled RSV symptoms.

D He stopped the baby from getting worse.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段第三、四句“Unluckily, we all know what can happen when you speed. Derrick said he knew how fast he was going and that being pulled over was a likely result.”可知,Derrick在送他的女儿去医院的路上,驾驶汽车超速行驶。故选B。

3.What’s the fourth paragraph mainly about?

A How Matthew made Derrick relax.

B Why Matthew stopped Derrick.

C How Matthew helped Amelia.

D What Matthew told Derrick to do.

解析:选C。C 段落大意题。根据第四段描述,交警Matthew Brown拦下了Derrick的车,发现他的女儿情况危急,急需送医,他把Amelia从安全座椅上抱下来,帮助她恢复了呼吸。即本段主要描述了Matthew如何帮助Amelia。故选C。

4.What is the suitable title of the passage?

A Worried Father Was Stopped By Police For Speeding.

B The Heavy Traffic Stops A Father To Save His Daughter.

C Young Girl With RSV Was Sent To The Hospital By An Officer.

D Speeding Ticket Turns Into A Life-Saving Rescue For Baby With RSV.

解析:选D。D 主旨大意题。根据全文内容可知,本文主要讲了9周大的婴儿Amelia生病了,她的爸爸为了把她快速送去医院超速驾驶,交警拦住了他,本来打算给他开罚单,但看到Amelia病得如此严重,他做了一些举动救了Amelia一命的故事。故选D。