男孩热衷于慈善事业 多次筹集物资捐给有需要的人
男孩热衷于慈善事业 多次筹集物资捐给有需要的人

It’s 2023 now. Orion Jean is a fourth-grader and he likes giving. Three years ago, Orion donated(捐赠) toys to a children’s hospital. He made others take part in by starting the Race to 500 Toys. He also fought hunger in his community. He worked with two social organizations(社会组织). Together, they collected more than 100,000 meals.

Orion’s other hobby is reading. The Race to 500,000 Books joined the things he cares about together. He held book drives(捐书活动) to collect books to share with people who needed them. Orion met his goal. He collected half a million books in just a few months.

Are you inspired by Orion? Would you like to start a book drive in your community? Orion has a few pieces of advice. First, choose a goal. Think about the people you want to help. Then work out the details. Decide how you’ll collect the books. Do you have a place to store them? Think about how you’ll get the books to people in need. Then get your community joined! Ask for help. Remind people of the good change they can make when they work together. And always stay true to your job. If it gets too difficult, just think of those you are trying to help.


1.When did Orion donate toys to a hospital?

A In 2020.

B In 2021.

C In 2022.

D A.In 2023.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第一段的“It’s 2023 now.”以及“Three years ago, Orion donated(捐赠) toys to a children’s hospital.”可知,三年前(即2020年)Orion向一所医院捐赠了玩具。故选A。

2.Why did Orion collect books?

A To sell them for money.

B To give them to sick children.

C To share them with people in need.

D To keep them for himself to read.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段的“He held book drives(捐书活动) to collect books to share with people who needed them.”可知,他筹集书籍是为了分享给那些需要书的人。故选C。

3.The underlined word “them” refers to________.

A toys

B goals

C books

D people

解析:选C。C词意指代题。根据划线词所在句子的前一句“Decide how you’ll collect the books.”以及后一句“Think about how you’ll get the books to people in need.”可知,本句在讨论如何存放这些书。故选C。

4.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

A How to start a book drive successfully.

B Why people need book drives.

C What you can do for your neighbors.

D When the good change can take place.

解析:选A。A段落大意题。根据本段第二、三句“Would you like to start a book drive in your community? Orion has a few pieces of advice.”可知,在本段中,作者列举了Orion就发起捐书活动给出的几条建议,即如何成功发起捐书活动。故选A。

5.Which word can describe Orion best?

A Funny.

B Nervous.

C Brave.

D Kind.
