We grow up, althoughwe don't want to. But don’t worry. Please read this article. It can help youlook at life as a kid.

Read a lot of Chicken Soup for the Soul—they have so manygood stories about kids and help you get the right feeling. Also try readingchildren's books, it helps you keep childish.

When you feel sad, smile. If you can, jump up and down, or move arounduntil you feel tired. Act like a kid and try to smile. This can make you happyif you feel unhappy.   

Spend time with little kids. It can make you smile more. If you have childrenof your own, great! Spend lots of time with them.  

Think back on a time when you were a kid. Then, try to rememberhow old your parents were. If you think that you aren’t as old as you are now,and you are just as old as you were eight, you will get the feeling that youare 8 again.

If you are a kid, take a piece of paper and write “In 15 years I am goingto do”. Then, put the letter in an envelope(信封) and read it once everyfive years. This will make you feel like a kid again.

1.What is Chicken Soup for the Soul?

A A book.

B A movie.

C A game.

D A song.

解析:选A。细节理解题。动词用的是read,下文还有相关信息:Also try reading children's books.

2.What does the underlined word “childish” mean in Chinese?

A 成人的

B 快乐的

C 幼稚的

D 孩子气的


3.Act like children, and you can feel ________.

A unhappy

B sad

C happy

D tired

解析:选C。细节理解题。第三段有相关信息:This can make you happy if you feel unhappy.

4.If you want to get the feeling that you are 8 again, what should you do?

A Put a letter into an envelope.

B Spend time with children.

C Think back on a time you were a kid.

D Try to smile as much as you can.


5.In the passage, there are _______ways to look at life as a child.

A four

B five

C six

D seven
