
As the snow started to fall in Buffalo, New York, on Friday, Craig Elston’s barber(理发店) shop, C&C Cutz, was up and running with electricity, heat, and WiFi. Unlike those in the city who were less lucky than he was, the power stayed on through the storm.

Elston’s story started when a man knocked on the front door of his barber shop looking for shelter. Elston felt the need to just open his door up to the man. He assumed that at that point, the snowstorm couldn’t have gotten much worse and that people would all be able to go home soon. But then, he started to see news of people dying in the snowstorm, so he decided to go on TikTok and Facebook Live to invite anyone in the community who needed shelter to come and stay at his barber shop. Facebook groups created in Buffalo for the storm also shared Elston’s message, getting the word out even further

In total, Elston estimated that 50 people came in and out of his shop from Friday until Monday. He said that around 30 people stayed all weekend, but others came in to warm up, charge their phones, and use WiFi to contact family members. He slept in his barber’s chair while those staying there slept in the other chairs, on the floor, and in the back of the shop. The majority of people who stayed at the barber shop had homes nearby but had lost power and needed a place that was warm or had gotten stuck outside when the snow started. Elston fronted(垫付) the money for those who needed transportation to get home. He paid for food, drinks, and snacks from the corner store. And he kept the electricity running throughout Christmas weekend.

Elston stayed with the group in his shop over the weekend, and he hasn’t been home since Friday. He even had to miss Christmas with his nine-year-old daughter. Elston, who said he is “exhausted,” finally got to go home on Tuesday evening.

“People’s been reaching out to me calling me a hero,” Elston said. “And the most I tell them is that I’m no hero. I’m just a person that got a heart.”


1.What does the underlined sentence mean?

A Not many people knew Elston’s post.

B Elston lived far away from the city center.

C Elston didn’t say any word on the Internet.

D More and more people knew Elston’s message.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据下文提到的“50 people came in and out of his shop”可知,这条消息传得越来越远,因此被越来越多的人知道了。故选D。

2.How many days has Elston stayed in the barber shop?

A For about 7 days.

B For about 5 days.

C For about 3 days.

D For about 1 day.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句的“from Friday until Monday”和第四段最后一句“go home Tuesday evening”可知,Elston周五开始直到周二晚上才回家,因此他一共在理发店待了快五天。故选B。

3.What didn’t Elston do for people who stayed in his shop?

A Charged their phones.

B Provided them a place to sleep.

C Helped them look after their pets.

D Bought them food.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知,这些人进来暖和身子、给手机充电,并使用WiFi与家人联系,他让留在那里的人睡在椅子上、地板上和商店的后面,并且还给了那些需要交通工具才能回家的人路费;还为他们从街角商店买了食物、饮料和零食。文中并未提到帮助他们照顾宠物。故选C。

4.What kind of person is Elston?

A Generous.

B Creative.

C Awful.

D Confident.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据全文内容可知,Elston为暴雪被困的人提供栖身之所并且还给了那些需要交通工具才能回家的人路费,还为他们从街角商店买了食物、饮料和零食,为他们供电,因此他是慷慨大方的。故选A。