为使小女孩与化疗生活好好告别 医生在她的派对上扮独角兽
为使小女孩与化疗生活好好告别 医生在她的派对上扮独角兽

Kyla is a 4-year-old girl who has an illness. After eight months of chemotherapy(化疗) at St. Jude Children’s hospital, things were looking up! In fact, her doctors decided that she could stop chemotherapy and go home at long last.

The end of chemotherapy is a special day at St. Jude’s. Doctors, nurses, and staff celebrate each patient’s victories with a “No More Chemo” party. They sing a special song that ends with, “pack up your bags, get out the door, you don’t get chemotherapy anymore!”

In the days leading up to Kyla’s party, her doctor conspired with other members of the staff and Kyla’s family to make her party very special. They decided that the best way to honor the day was to dress up in a costume, specifically, a unicorn(独角兽) costume that Kyla’s mother bought a few days earlier! Dr. Santosh Upadhyaya surprised Kyla on her big day by entering the room in the unicorn costume, and the child was happy! She gave her doctor a big hug.

The doctor really enjoyed making a happy memory for Kyla this time. Seeing her smile was his “biggest joy.” “I was just wondering how Kyla is going to react. That was the first time that I think I had seen her so happy,” said the doctor. Kyla’s doctor went on to say that the “No More Chemo” parties may only be 10 minutes long, but they mean the world to both patients and medical workers. 


1.What do usually medical workers do at the “No More Chemo” party?

A Watch movies.

B Sing together.

C Dance with music.

D Tell stories.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句的“They sing a special song”可知,圣犹达儿童医院的医护人员通常都会在“不再化疗”派对为即将出院的孩子唱歌。故选B。

2.What does the underlined word “conspired” mean?

A Fought.

B Produced.

C Planned.

D Lifted.

解析:选C。C 词义猜测题。根据划线单词后面的“make her party very special”和后面提到的医生穿独角兽服装使小女孩开心可知,医护人员一起“策划”如何才能让Kyla的“不再化疗”派对变得特别,让她和化疗生活好好告别。故选C。

3.Who wore the unicorn costume?

A Kyla.

B Kyla’s mother.

C A doctor.

D A nurse.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第三段倒数第二句的“Dr. Santosh Upadhyaya surprised Kyla on her big day by entering the room in the unicorn costume”可知,一名医生穿了独角兽服装。故选C。

4.What does Dr. Santosh Upadhyaya think of the “No More Chemo” party?

A Meaningful.

B Embarrassing.

C Uneasy.

D Awful.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据最后一句的“the ‘No More Chemo’ parties may only be 10 minutes long, but they mean the world to both patients and medical workers”可知,这名医生认为,虽然“不再化疗”派对只有10分钟,但对患者和护理人员来说,这意味着整个世界,因此这是很有意义的。故选A。

5.Where can we read the passage?

A In an instruction book.

B In a research report.

C In a trade magazine.

D In a newspaper.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据全文内容可知,本文主要讲了一个医院的医护人员在小女孩出院前为其举办特别的“不再化疗”派对的故事,最有可能出现在报纸上。故选D。