
Justine Galloway was only 7 years old when her father, a crazy runner who passed down his love of the sport to his daughter, was diagnosed(诊断) with Parkinson’s disease. Over the next few years, she watched as the disease took away the thing he loved most, and she determined to never let anything keep her from running.

Her father passed away in 2010, and Justine kept running in his honor. She completed nine marathons, but as she was running the Boston Marathon, something felt wrong in her body. She was in such pain, she had to quit the race without finishing. The pain got worse over the next few days. Soon, she could barely walk. “I didn’t think that would be me at that age,” she said. “I had always hoped that I’d run till I couldn’t run anymore. And I thought that would be 80, not 31.”

Justine sought help from doctors, and after two years she learned she has a rare disease similar to Parkinson’s. Like Parkinson’s, this disease is brought on by activity and often targets the person’s favorite activities. Justine launched herself into treatment, which is where she learned something odd—she could still run backwards. For some reason, she thought the backwards running seemed fine. When someone suggested she could get a world record for running marathons backwards, it was off to the races for Justine. Justine loves a challenge, so she started running half marathons backwards. After completing a few, she decided to go for the world record. On her second attempt, she earned a Guinness World Record for fastest backwards half marathon runner ever! She has since broken her own record and set the record twice.

Justine hopes her story proves that there’s always a way to keep doing what we love if we’re brave and strong enough to find it. “Keep moving forward and keep moving,” she said. “Don’t let anything stop you, and nothing is impossible.”


1.What inspired Justine’s determination of keep running?

A Her father’s old age.

B The Parkinson’s disease.

C Her father’s fighting with illness.

D The serious pain she got in her body.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Over the next few years, she watched as the disease took away the thing he loved most, and she determined to never let anything keep her from running.”可知,父亲和病魔的斗争使得贾斯汀下定决心要坚持跑步。故选C。

2.What does the underlined part “it was off to the races for Justine” mean?

A She put an end to her treatment.

B She thought backwards running was fine.

C She gave up running her favorite marathons.

D She started running backwards to get a world record.

解析:选D。D句意理解题。根据划线部分前文“When someone suggested she could get a world record for running marathons backwards”和后文“Justine loves a challenge, so she started running half marathons backwards.”可知,划线部分意思为“贾斯汀开始为破世界纪录进行倒着跑步的运动了”。故选D。

3.What can we learn from Justine’s story?

A Where there is a will, there is a way.

B A friend in need is a friend indeed.

C Two heads are better than one.

D Great minds think alike.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据最后一段“there’s always a way to keep doing what we love if we’re brave and strong enough to find it”可知,贾斯汀的故事告诉我们,有志者事竟成。故选A。

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A Backwards To The Finish Line.

B Daughter Runs For In Father’s Honor.

C Runner Sets World Records Running Forward.

D Woman With Parkinson’s Broke The World Record.
