
Chip had a new book. It was about a princess(公主). The princess couldn’t laugh. Nobody could make her laugh.

Chip had an idea. “Try and make me laugh.” he said. Biff made a funny face, but she couldn’t make Chip laugh. Ben put on a funny wig(假发). He told a funny joke(笑话), but he couldn’t make Chip laugh, either. “It’s no good,” he said.

Kipper had some joke teeth. The joke teeth were new. The teeth went click, click, click. Everyone laughed and laughed.


1.What did Chip have?

A A sister princess.

B A good friend.

C A funny face.

D A new book.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“Chip had a new book.”可知Chip有一本新书。故选D。

2.Who made a funny face?

A Chip.

B Ben.

C Biff.

D Kipper.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段的“Biff made a funny face”可知Biff做了鬼脸。故选C。

3.What did Ben do to make Chip laugh?

A He made a funny wig.

B He told a funny joke.

C He bought joke teeth.

D He found a new book.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段的“Ben put on a funny wig(假发). He told a funny joke(笑话)”可知Ben讲了个笑话。故选B。

4.What made everyone laugh?

A The funny face.

B The funny joke.

C The funny wig.

D The joke teeth.


5.The text may be a _________.

A story

B poem

C notice

D diary
