
With temperatures dropping at this time of year, especially at night, but heating bills increasing, keeping warm at night is more of a challenge than ever. When it’s very cold you should put the heating on but here are a few ideas from a sleep expert for alternative ways to keep your body temperature up before bed, and therefore sleep better.


Having a hot bath or shower before bed will help to increase your body temperature and allow you to fully warm up before getting into bed. Most often, when we take a long, hot bath, our body temperature tends to increase and stay high for an hour or so afterwards. This means you should be able to get comfortable and fall into a nice sleep before your body temperature drops down again. For extra warmth, change into some comfortable and warm clothes right afterwards to help keep the heat in your body.

2. Exercise before bed

Exercising during the colder months can be difficult, however this is a very quick and easy way to increase body temperature. It should help to keep you feeling warm during the evening and at night. Make sure you exercise in the evening as this will help you to feel warm right before bed. Doing a sufficient amount of cardio(有氧运动) or interval training should tire you out, which will also help you get to sleep quickly.

3. Eat hearty meals

Eating enough food this time of year is imperative, as often when we don’t eat a sufficient amount we feel cold. This is because low blood sugar levels make you more sensitive to feeling cold. You should be eating hearty, warming, comfort foods. These will help you to feel full and comfortable, which should, in turn, allow you to sleep better and feel warmer. Although, be careful not to eat heavy meals late at night, or right before you go to bed, as sometimes this can have negative effects on your sleep quality.


1.What can be put back into the blank?

A Double down on bedding.

B Take a hot bath before bed.

C Drink plenty of water.

D Get used to the cold.


2.Playing sports before bed is helpful in__________.

A making you fall asleep quickly and helping you relax

B keeping you warm and falling asleep quickly

C keeping you warm and helping you lose weight

D making you fall asleep quickly and lose weight

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第三段第一句的“however this is a very quick and easy way to increase body temperature”和最后一句“which will also help you get to sleep quickly”可知,睡前做运动不仅可以增加你的体温,还可以让你更快入睡。故选B。

3.What does the underlined word “imperative” mean?

A Necessary.

B Convenient.

C Extinct.

D Illegal.

解析:选A。A词义猜测题。根据划线单词后面的“as often when we don’t eat a sufficient amount we feel cold.”可知,因为当我们吃得不够时,我们常常会感到寒冷,所以一年中的这个时候吃足够的食物是必须的(necessary)。故选A

4.What is the best title for the text?

A 3 ways to stay warm in winter.

B 3 suggestions on choosing warm clothes.

C 3 suggestions on keeping your home warm.

D 3 ways to keep warm at night.
