藏在巨石下的房子 竟是用来防海盗的
藏在巨石下的房子 竟是用来防海盗的

Nowadays, the Greek Island of Ikaria in the Aegean Sea is a popular place of interest famous for its sandy beaches and amazing villages.    ▲   

Hundreds of years ago, Ikaria was a prime target for the pirates(海盗). To protect themselves, the locals started building “anti-pirate” homes deep into the mountains, to make their island look uninhabited from the sea. At one point, people in Ikaria hid themselves in rock houses that didn’t draw attention unless you walked past them.

Historical records show that pirates caused Ikaria and other islands of the Aegean trouble since the 1st Century BC, but things only got worse with the passing of time. Locals didn’t have many choices to deal with the situation. They could either stand their ground and probably die, or leave their home and move somewhere safer. They chose the third choice.

With no real hope of successfully stopping pirates, the people of Ikaria gave up their homes on the coast of the island and moved inward, into the mountains, making it seem like they had left the island completely. Many moved in stone-built homes, or “anti-pirate houses”, which lacked the comfort of their village houses, but offered perfect camouflage(伪装). To avoid attention, houses would generally have just one level, and they would have no chimney(烟囱), to prevent smoke. Locals would mostly communicate at night and avoid using fire or any kind of light, and they didn’t even keep dogs, for fear that their sounds would bring unwanted guests.


1.What can be put back into the “______▲______”?

A And it has always been so beautiful and famous.

B But it wasn’t always the perfect place it is today.

C However, Ikarians built homes to be seen by no one.

D The locals tried their best to build it as big as possible.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据空白处前面的“Nowadays, the Greek Island of Ikaria in the Aegean Sea is a popular place of interest famous for...”和后文描述可知,伊卡里亚岛以前是海盗经常出没的地方。现在伊卡里亚是一个受欢迎的旅游胜地,因其沙滩和迷人的村庄而闻名。空白处发生转折,引出它之前不是现在这样的。故选B。

2.What does the underlined word “uninhabited” mean?

A Without high buildings.

B With green trees.

C Without much danger.

D With no one living there.

解析:选D。D词义猜测题。根据前文的“the locals started building ‘anti-pirate’ homes deep into the mountains”当地人开始在深山里修建房屋以及后文“people in Ikaria hid themselves in rock houses that didn’t draw attention”伊卡利亚岛的所有居民都躲进了不引人注意的岩石房子里,即把这个岛营造成一种“无人居住”的样子。故选D。

3.What was the locals’ third choice?

A Making friends with pirates.

B Risking their lives for home.

C Moving deep into the mountains.

D Finding some safe cities.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第三段倒数第二句“They could either stand their ground and probably die, or leave their home and move somewhere safer.”可知,他们可以选择坚守阵地直至牺牲生命来保卫他们的家园,也可以选择搬家去一个更安全的地方,但是他们都没有那样做,而是做了第三种选择,即本文提到的他们在深山里修建“反海盗”房屋。故选C。

4.What did the locals do in order not to be noticed?

A They communicated with each other at night.

B They built the houses high enough.

C They cooked food at night.

D They raised pet dogs at home.


5.In which part of a newspaper can we read the passage?

A Sports.

B Geography.

C Food.

D Business.
