
Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered a vast tunnel beneath a temple at the ancient city of Taposiris Magna, west of Alexandria. The 4,281-foot-long (1,305 meters) tunnel, which brought water to thousands of people in its heyday, was discovered by an Egyptian-Dominican Republic archaeological team, the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities said in a statement.

Ancient Egyptian builders constructed the 6.6-foot-high (2 m) tunnel at a depth of about 65 feet (20 m) beneath the ground, Kathleen Martínez, a Dominican archaeologist and director of the team that discovered the tunnel, told Live Science in an email. “It is an exact replica(复制品) of Eupalinos Tunnel in Greece, which is considered as one of the most important engineering achievements of antiquity(古迹),” Martinez said. The Eupalinos tunnel, in Samos, a Greek island in the eastern Aegean Sea, also carried water.

The archaeology of the Taposiris Magna temple is complex. Parts of it are under water and the temple has been hit by numerous earthquakes over the history of its existence, causing a lot of damage. The tunnel at Taposiris Magna dates to the Ptolemaic period (304 B.C. to 30 B.C.), a time when Egypt was ruled by a dynasty of kings descended from one of Alexander the Great’s generals.

Finds within the tunnel included two alabaster(雪花石膏) heads: one of which likely depicts(描绘) a king, and the other represents another high-ranking person, Martinez said. Their exact identities are indecisive. Coins and the remains of statues of Egyptian deities(神) were also found in the tunnel, according to Martinez.

At the time the tunnel was built, Taposiris Magna had a population of between 15,000 and 20,000 people, according to Martinez. The tunnel was built beneath a temple that honored Osiris, an ancient Egyptian god of the underworld, and Isis, an Egyptian goddess who was Osiris’s wife.


1.The vast tunnel was used to____________.

A store grain for the winter

B carry water to thousands of people

C let foreigners pay a visit

D protect the army from being found

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段第二句的“The 4,281-foot-long (1,305 meters) tunnel, which brought water to thousands of people in its heyday”可知,在古代,这个隧道作为一个供水渠道,提供水给居住在附近的人们。故选B。

2.What made the temple greatly broken?

A Earthquakes.

B The hurricane.

C The war.

D The typhoon.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第三段第二句的“the temple has been hit by numerous earthquakes over the history of its existence, causing a lot of damage.”可知,这个神庙本身也遭受了多次地震的袭击,导致了大面积的破坏。故选A。

3.Why does the underlined word “indecisive” mean?

A Precise.

B Primitive.

C Unknown.

D Fundamental.

解析:选C。C词义猜测题。根据划线部分前面提到的“one of which likely depicts a king, and the other represents another high-ranking person, Martinez said”可知,他们在隧道里发现了两个雪花石膏雕塑的碎片。其中一幅描绘的是一位身份不明的埃及统治者,另一幅描绘的是一位身份也无法确定的高级官员,他们的具体身份都不明确。故选C。

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A Why did people build Eupalinos Tunnel?

B How did archaeologists find the tunnel beneath Egyptian temple?

C Vast tunnel found beneath ancient Egyptian temple.

D Archaeologists hope to find an exact replica of Eupalinos Tunnel.
