
A cat in the UK was just given the title of “The Oldest Cat In The World” by the Guinness World Records. The cat is Flossie. It is black and brown. It was 26 years and 316 days old—which is equal to 120 human years—when she was given the title. 

Flossie’s story began in 1995. She was born on the street. She had no owner at that time. She and other homeless cats lived a tough life, so a group of kind people decided to take them home. Each of them takes one home. That was how Flossie ended up with her first owner. Sadly, her first owner passed away 10 years later, but Flossie was then taken in by her first owner’s sister. The pair enjoyed 14 years together until the second owner died. After that, the second owner’s son decided to take care of Flossie, then aged 24—already a surprising number.

After three years together, the third owner realized that the old cat had some needs due to her age that he couldn’t meet, and he sent her to a Cats Protection shelter(收容所). That was when the shelter realized what they were dealing with. “We were shocked when we saw that Flossie’s vet(兽医) records showed her to be 27 years old,” Naomi Rosling at Cats Protection said.

Although at first they feared Flossie would spend her final days looking for a forever home, it didn’t take long for the cute cat to be paired with her new mom, Vicki Green, who had plenty of experience caring for older cats. Green hopes this story will inspire more people to adopt old cats.


1.What can we know from the first paragraph?

A The cat’s hobby.

B The cat’s color.

C The cat’s birthday.

D The cat’s owner.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段第三句的“It is black and brown.”可知,这只猫是黑棕色的。故选B。

2.What does the underlined word “tough” mean?

A Rich.

B Hard.

C Happy.

D Successful.

解析:选B。B词义猜测题。根据划线部分前文的“homeless ”和后文的“so a group of kind people decided to take them home.”可知,弗洛西小时候是只流浪猫,一群善良的人看到这群无家可归的小猫,决定带它们回家,由此可知这群猫当时过得很艰难。故选B。

3.How did Rosling feel about Flossie’s vet records?

A Surprised.

B Excited.

C Embarrassed.

D Afraid.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句的“We were shocked when we saw that Flossie’s vet(兽医) records showed her to be 27 years old,”可知,当她看到弗洛西的兽医记录显示她27岁时,大吃一惊。故选A。

4.How many owners has Flossie changed?

A Two.

B Three.

C Four.

D Five.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段的“That was how Flossie ended up with her first owner.”“Flossie was then taken in by her first owner’s sister”“the second owner’s son decided to take care of Flossie”和第四段的“it didn’t take long for the cute cat to be paired with her new mom, Vicki Green”可知,弗洛西和它的第一个主人幸福地生活了十年。第一个主人去世后,弗洛西被原主人的姐妹收养。第二个主人去世后,弗洛西与第二个主人的儿子生活在一起。后来出现了一些问题,第三个主人做出了一个艰难的决定,将弗洛西交给了猫咪收养所,现在,这只备受宠爱的长寿猫已经被维姬格林收养。由此可知它一共换过四任主人。故选C。

5.What is the passage mainly about?

A A Kind Woman Had Much Experience Caring for Old Cats.

B A Cat’s Vet Records Surprised Every One in The Hospital.

C Preparations for A Cat’s 27th Birthday Party.

D The Oldest Living Cat by Guinness World Records.
