感动!女子训练“残疾”狗狗 助人类与狗相互治愈
感动!女子训练“残疾”狗狗 助人类与狗相互治愈

Debbie Pearl spends most of her life saving dogs. She is also the founder of Dream Fetchers, a nonprofit organization(非营利性机构) that joins special needs animals with similarly-challenged humans. She believes that there’s no medical challenge that can’t be improved with a friendly dog, especially when those dogs have been through so much in their own lives. “Here at Dream Fetchers, we try our best to better the lives of those around us,” Debbie explained.

Debbie has started a team of rescued (营救) dogs. She calls them The Unstoppables. Speedy, Zeek, Eddie, Pop, Kala, and Bunny Pop made up of it. Nearly all of them have physical problems that need prosthetics(义肢) and wheelchairs, but that doesn’t stop them! In fact, it doesn’t even slow them down. Each of these animals has a tragic story, including being treated badly, thrown away, and left for dead because of birth differences. Once these animals are rescued, Dream Fetchers gives them training, love, and care to change the course of their lives forever.  

Hoping to let more people know about the importance of these animals and the mark they make on human lives every day, Debbie recently published(出版) a children’s book called “The Unstoppables”. She hopes the fun book helps children learn more about differently-abled dogs and all the joy they can bring to the world.


1.What can we know about Dream Fetchers?

A Its founder and the goal.

B Its goal and opening time.

C Its opening time and founder.

D Its opening time and the address(地址).

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第一段第二句的“She is also the founder of Dream Fetchers, a nonprofit organization that joins special needs animals with similarly-challenged humans.”可知,黛比是这个组织的创始人,这个非营利组织将有特殊需求的动物与有类似问题的人类结合起来。故选A。

2.How many members are there in The Unstoppables?

A Four.

B Five.

C Six.

D Seven.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段第三句“Speedy, Zeek, Eddie, Pop, Kala, and Bunny Pop made up of it.”可知,这个组织里面有六个成员。故选C。

3.What does the underlined word “tragic” mean?

A Sad.

B Creative.

C Educational.

D Famous.

解析:选A。A 词义猜测题。根据划线部分后面的“including being treated badly, thrown away, and left for dead due to birth differences”可知,这些动物有的曾经被虐待,有的被丢弃,有的因出生缺陷被遗弃。这些都是令人悲伤的(sad)不幸经历。故选A。

4.What’s the children’s book about?

A Nature and joy.

B Animals and love.

C Nonprofits and joy.

D Animals and illness.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据最后一段的“the fun book helps children learn more about differently-abled dogs and all the joy they can bring to the world”可知,作者希望这本有趣的书能帮助孩子们更多地了解残疾的狗狗,以及它们能给世界带来的快乐。由此可知这本书是关于动物和爱的。故选B。

5.Where can we read the passage?

A In a school report.

B In a book of puzzles.

C In a newspaper.

D In a science magazine.
