家得宝员工工作时捡到现金 携手经理将其物归原主
家得宝员工工作时捡到现金 携手经理将其物归原主

Adam Adkisson said it was a typical day at work until he noticed an envelope on the ground in their store. “I didn’t think anything of it at first. I thought it was empty, but I thought I’d go back to make sure and when I picked it up, I could feel that it had something in it, so I opened it. It had money, $700 in cash to be exact.” Adkisson said. Adkisson turned the envelope in to his manager, Alissa Rocchi. 

“I thought to myself he or she didn’t know they even lost it here. It was just sad at that point,” Rocchi said. So, she decided to turn to social media for help. But in order to identify the right person, she didn’t give up too much information.

“I got a message from a gentleman by the name of Mark who said ‘that’s my partner’s on the Internet. It’s his money. He lost it. He is panicking’,” Rocchi said. Mark was able to confirm it belonged to his business partner by describing the appearance of the envelope and the details written on the back. After make sure everything was right, they gave the envelope full of cash back to the owner.

“I was stressing pretty bad over it. So, I am glad that he is a social media guy and was able to see that because I would have never seen it,” said Johnathon Clayton, the owner of the envelope. Clayton says he’s grateful because he planned to use the money to buy his little ones a Christmas gift. To show his gratitude, he returned to The Home Depot to personally thank Adam and Alissa and leave a small gift behind.


1.Who found the envelope?

A Adam Adkisson.

B Alissa Rocchi.

C A man named Mark.

D Johnathon Clayton.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句的“Adam Adkisson said it was a typical day at work until he noticed an envelope on the ground in their store.”可知,是Adam Adkisson发现了这个信封。故选A。

2.How did they track down the owner?

A By reporting it to the police.

B By posting it on the Internet.

C By putting a notice in the store.

D By contacting the owner’s partner.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段的“she decided to turn to social media for help.”和第三段的“I got a message from a gentleman by the name of Mark who said ‘that’s my partner’s on the Internet’”可知,他们通过在网上发布相关信息找到了失主。故选B。

3.Which of the following helped identify the owner of envelope? ①How the envelope looked like. ②What was in the envelope. ③What the envelope was used. ④What was written on the back.

A ①②

B ①③

C ①④

D ②③

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第三段的“Mark was able to confirm it belonged to his business partner by describing the appearance of the envelope and the details written on the back.”可知,Mark通过描述信封的样子和写在信封后面的细节信息确定了这个信封的主人就是他的商业伙伴。故选C。

4.What is the suitable title of the passage?

A Social Media Can Find Every Owner.

B The Internet and the Lost and Found.

C Two Shop Assistant Helped Customer.

D Employees Return Lost Envelope Full Of Cash.

解析:选D。D 主旨大意题。根据全文内容可知,本文主要讲了一位店员在工作的时候发现了一个装满现金的信封并把它交给了经理,最后经理通过在网上发布信息找到失主并归还信封的故事。故选D。