马斯克演示猴子用意念打字 或造福医学界
马斯克演示猴子用意念打字 或造福医学界

During Neuralinks show-and-tell event on Wednesday night, Musk shared a video of a monkey using telepathy(心灵感应).

The monkey with a brain chip is Sake. Sake is shown in a video typing on a screen. Musk explained that the monkey was using his mind to spell out what the computer program wanted him to write. The event showed monkeys with the brain implant(植入) doing many incredible tasks with the technology. Sake could seemingly type out a sentence about the kind of snack he wanted to eat. But Sake wasn’t physically typing what he wanted to eat on the computer—he was using his mind power, thanks to the Neuralink invention.

Neuralink was co-founded by Musk. One day, Neuralinks chips, which are coin-sized devices designed to be implanted in the brain, could do anything from cure paralysis(瘫痪) to give people telepathy, according to Musk. He said in the video that the Neuralink implant could help people who are unable to use their arms and legs use their phone, saying that they would be able to control their phone better than someone who has working hands.

Musk used the video to address the concerns of the activist group over Neuralinks treatment of monkeys. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine said earlier this year that it had obtained records showing the monkeys experienced extreme suffering as a result of inadequate animal care. Ahead of Neuralink, the animal rights group called on Musk to show details about the monkeys. Musk said on Wednesday that the monkeys actually enjoy doing the demos as they are rewarded with fruit.

Neuralink will begin human trials in the next six months if the FDA approves the companys application. He plans to get his own brain implant once its available. Musk missed his own projections for when Neuralink would begin implanting its devices in humans.


1.What is true about Sake?

A There is no chip in its brain.

B It finished many tasks successfully.

C Sake has no interest in food.

D Sake didn’t show up in the event.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段第四句的“The event showed monkeys with the brain implant doing many incredible tasks with the technology.”可知,大脑中植入芯片的猴子用这项技术完成了许多令人难以置信的任务,而Sake就是其中的一员。故选B。

2.In which field will this technology be used according to Musk?

A Tourist.

B Education.

C Health.

D Construction.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段的“could do anything from cure paralysis to give people telepathy”和“help people who are unable to use their arms and legs use their phone”可知,马斯克认为,Neuralink的芯片将来可以做很多事情,包括帮助治愈瘫痪和赋予人们心灵感应的能力,还可以帮助四肢瘫痪的人使用手机。故选C。

3.What does the underlined word “inadequate” mean?

A Not good enough.

B Very amazing.

C Neither good nor bad.

D Not terrible at all.

解析:选A。A词义猜测题。根据划线单词前面的“experienced extreme suffering”可知,公益组织“负责任医生委员会”今年早些时候表示,其获得的记录显示,由于Neuralink实验期间动物护理不足和进行高度侵入性的实验性头部植入,许多猴子经历了极端的痛苦。故选A。

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A Monkey plays computer games with its mind.

B Monkey appears to “telepathically” type.

C People online found the monkey presentation interesting.

D The Neuralink implant also has a future with humans.
