

Business fliers looking for a healthy meal are in luck if they book a flight on Virgin America. But they might need to bring their own nutritious snacks on some other airlines, according to a new survey. In an annual analysis of the snacks and meals offered by 13 major carriers, Virgin America came out on top for nutrition, says the survey’s author, Charles Platkin, editor of DietDetective.com

The San Francisco-based carrier earned 4.25 out of five stars. While the onboard snacks got low marks: they were either lacking in nutritional value or high in calories, Platkin says Virgin America's meals menu had several healthy choices, including an autumn vegetable wrap and a ginger salad that was a mere 390 calories.

Delta and JetBlue each earned 3.75 stars. Delta's score improved over last year in large part because of its partnership with the nutritious food provider Luvo. The airline has sought to “bring healthful, seasonal options to flight,'' says Brian Berry, Delta's director of onboard services. “Our Luvo partnership is an important part of making that happen.'' Platkin says the survey rankings are based on a variety of criteria including an analysis of nutrients, menu creativity and whether the airline's offerings have improved from the previous year. 

“There are several airlines ... that realize serving clean, tasty, healthy food is what consumers want,'' Platkin says. “It's understandable when a relatively new airline such as Virgin America (offers) healthy fare, but when an airline like Delta moves in that direction, this is the start of real movement.''

Frontier, Spirit and Hawaiian Airlines were at the bottom of the survey, with Hawaiian getting the lowest ranking, just half a star. The airline stands out from many other carriers that now charge for food in the coach cabin by offering complimentary meals. But Platkin says such service can lead to passengers consuming too many calories.

“It’s a mixed bag,” Platkin says. “Business travelers would appreciate being offered healthier choices. ... For the airlines, improving the health quality of the food could potentially increase customer experience and brand loyalty.''


1.Why don’t people think highly of other snacks?

A Because they offer autumn vegetables.

B Because they provide healthy foods.

C Because the snacks are rich in fibre.

D Because they are poor in nutrition.

解析:选D。D。细节理解题。根据第二段第二句的they were either lacking in nutritional value or high in calories可以得知,其他食品评价不高的原因是没有营养且热量高。

2.Who should Delta thanks for its improved score?

A Virgin America.

B JetBlue.

C Luvo.

D Frontier

解析:选C。C。细节理解题。根据第三段第二句的because of its partnership with the nutritious food provider和第四句的Our Luvo partnership is an important part of making that happen.可以得知他们要感谢食品的提供商Luvo。

3.What does Platkin mean by saying “It’s a mixed bag”?

A Both business travelers and the airlines want the snacks improved.

B The quality of the snacks could not be increased fast in a short time.

C The customer experience and brand loyalty can be gained by rest.

D The business travelers would appreciate if they can arrive on time.

解析:选A。A。句意猜测题。从最后一段的Business travelers would appreciate being offered healthier可知,飞机乘客希望获得健康的饮食,以及后面的the airlines could potentially increase customer experience and brand loyalty可知,好的饮食能让航空公司得到乘客的信赖,因此他们都想改善飞机上的食品。

4.People rank the airline by ______.

A the way to prepare for the foods

B the number of their dishes

C the ability to create new foods

D the improvement of the plane

解析:选D。D。细节理解题。根据第三段第五句的menu creativity and whether the airline's offerings have improved from the previous year可知,人们对航空公司进行排名,主要取决于航空食品的营养成分分析,菜单创新度,以及提供的产品较之去年有无提高。

5.What is the best title of the passage?

A Know which plane has the best luck of all

B See which airlines have the healthiest food

C Bring the healthful, seasonal options to flight.

D Consider what business passenger need most

解析:选B。B。文章标题题。从文章第一段第一句的Business fliers looking for a healthy meal are in luck if they book a flight on Virgin America可知该篇文章是探讨哪个航空公司提供的食品最健康。