
I remember the first time I realized my parents lied to me. It was after a little game. I made a mistake and lost the game. I was sad, but my mom told me I was the best player on the team. I knew it was untrue and it made me feel worse.

Most parents lie to their kids. And most of these lies are innocent(无辜的) enough (They really do think their children are wonderful). However, there are lies that parents tell their kids that are not innocent. In fact, they can be dangerous. Here are 3 big lies we need to stop telling.

1. “You deserve(值得) the best _________.”

When we tell our kids “You deserve the best _________,” we suggest that when they face disappointment or hardship, the problem is not within them, but in other people or the situation itself. But parents should know it’s much more important that our children become the kind of people who can “make the best” out of a less-than-perfect situation, rather than the kind who think they deserve the best.

2. “You can be anything you want to be.”

Most kids won’t grow up to be in the NBA or write a best seller. That’s a fact. The most important thing they can do is to discover who they are and how they’ve been gifted and then learn how to be the best version of themselves.

3. “What other people say shouldn’t upset you.”

It’s normal to be bothered by some of the things people say to you. In fact, many of us walk around with the scars(伤痕) of words said carelessly. We need to teach our kids the power of words and make them use their words well. The more we can teach our children the power of the words they use, the more likely we are to raise adults who use their words well.


1.Why does the writer mention his/her own experience in the first paragraph?

A To show how the game made him/her feel bad.

B To tell us a common belief about parents’ lies.

C To explain how to tell an innocent lie apart.

D To lead to the topic he/she is going to talk about.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。作者第一段列举了自己小时候经历的一次妈妈对自己撒谎的事件,这让自己感觉很不好受,从而引出下文作者要讨论的话题:有些谎言父母不能对孩子说。故选D。

2.What does the first lie cause kids to do?

A They encourage others in need.

B They refuse to make a change.

C They fail to know their problems.

D They become the best persons.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句的“when they face disappointment or hardship, the problem is not within them, but in other people or the situation itself.”可知,当我们告诉我们的孩子,“你值得最好的_________”时,我们是在暗示,当他们面对失望或困难时,问题不在他们自己,而在其他人或情况本身。这让他们不能知道自己的问题出在哪里。故选C。

3.The writer lists the second lie to make children _________.

A know who they are

B take up a hobby

C learn a new skill

D make more friends

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第四段的“The most important thing they can do is to discover who they are and how they’ve been gifted and then learn how to be the best version of themselves.”可知,作者认为,孩子并不能想成为什么就成为什么,他们应该正确地认识自己的长处,然后学习如何成为最好的自己。故选A。

4.Which of the following does the writer think is TRUE?

A No one would be upset.

B People can be hurt by words.

C All kids know the power of words.

D Everyone knows how to use words well.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据最后一段第一二句可知,作者认为被别人说的话困扰是很正常的,并且我们当中很多人都被别人的无心之言伤害过。故选B。