
Huang Xiaobei is a university student in south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. She first came into contact with bullet-screen(弹幕) comments when she was watching a Chinese movie. At that time, she couldn’t close the comments on the web page, so she was forced to watch them. However, after this experience, Huang Xiaobei considered this form of interaction to be very interesting. Like Huang Xiaobei, many college students find themselves interested in bullet-screen comments when watching videos.

86.43 percent of Chinese college students prefer the interaction with other viewers and enjoy bullet-screen comments when they watch videos; 75.13 percent of them believe that these comments can bring them happiness, according to a survey. A questionnaire(调查问卷) survey on “Generation Z bullet-screen comment culture” has interviewed among 1,976 college students across the country. Generation Z often refers to the generation that was born between 1996-2010. The survey results showed that 61.34 percent of the respondents(调查对象) often choose to enable the function of bullet-screen comments when watching videos. However, 38.66 percent prefer not to; the main reason is that these comments may obscure the pictures and affect the visual experience. Meanwhile, according to the survey, 67.27 percent of the young people regard bullet-screen comments as a way to express their views; 63.05 percent of them believe that the comments serve as a good supplement to the video content, and 53.19 percent of respondents express a belief that bullet-screen comments help them find like-minded people all over the world regardless of time and space.

After a certain period of development and changes, bullet-screen comments have been widely adopted by mainstream video websites, and become a way of interactive communication with a high degree of public acceptance and recognition, according to Professor Ma Zhonghong from Phoenix Communication College of Soochow University. “Now bullet-screen comments have been available for video programs on all major platforms,” said Professor Ma Zhonghong, adding that the comments have progressed from a simple tool initially to a unique culture.


1.Why did the writer mention Huang Xiaobei?

A To explain bullet-screen comments.

B To make the passage impressive.

C To show us university life.

D To bring up the topic.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“Like Huang Xiaobei, many college students find themselves interested in bullet-screen comments when watching videos.”可知,作者通过黄同学的例子,告诉我们黄同学只是千千万万喜欢开弹幕看视频的学生中的一员,由此可知该例子是为了引出话题——在中国,很多大学生喜欢开弹幕看视频。故选D。

2.What does the underlined word “obscure” mean?

A Prevent it from being seen properly.

B Make it difficult to smell quickly.

C Prevent it from being heard completely.

D Make it hard to deal with easily.

解析:选A。A词义猜测题。根据划线句子后面的“affect the visual experience”可知,一些人不愿意开弹幕的主要原因是这些评论可能影响视觉体验,即这些弹幕遮挡了画面。故选A。

3.What can we know from the questionnaire survey?

A It was aimed at people who were born after 1990.

B About 764 respondents enjoy bullet-screen comments.

C Bullet-screen comments are helpful in some ways.

D All respondents like watching videos.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段的“regard bullet-screen comments as a way to express their views”“a good supplement to the video content”和“help them find like-minded people all over the world regardless of time and space”可知,67.27%的受访者认为弹幕评论是表达自己观点的一种方式;63.05%的受访者认为这些评论是视频内容的一个很好的补充;53.19%的受访者表示弹幕评论可以帮助他们在世界各地找到志同道合的人。由此可知弹幕评论在一定程度是有帮助的。故选C。

4.What is Ma Zhonghong’s attitude to bullet-screen comments?

A Disapproving.

B Favorable.

C Uncaring.

D Ambiguous.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据最后一段的“a way of interactive communication with a high degree of public acceptance and recognition”和“the comments have progressed from a simple tool initially to a unique culture”可知,马教授表示,经过一定时期的发展和变化,弹幕评论已被主流视频网站广泛采用,并成为一种具有高度公众接受度和认可度的互动交流方式。现在,所有主流平台上的视频节目都可以使用弹幕评论。这些评论已经从最初的简单工具发展成为了一种独特的文化。由此可知马教授对弹幕评论呈赞同态度。故选B。