
As we all know, reading can help us learn new words. However, you should not only add the number of articles you read. It will be a waste of time if you choose the wrong reading materials(材料). For you busy students, where can you find the right reading materials promptly?

In recent years, a reading method(方法) has become popular among students. Through this method, many students have improved their reading skills a lot and learned many new words. You can also find a useful English-learning tool by learning the method.

The method helps you before, while, and after the reading. Before reading, you can do the full-text listening first, which will help improve your listening. It’s better to listen with questions and try to get the main idea of the passage. While reading, if you meet some new or difficult words, you can click(点击) on the word. Then you will see the Chinese meaning of the word. After reading, you answer the questions, check the answers and understand why. If you get wrong, you can work on your weak question types through similar questions provided below.

Each article offers key words and difficult sentences. That will help you go over new words and improve your grammar. Also, you can follow up 3-5 sentences of spoken English every day, and you’ll be able to speak English well.

How can you use the method? What’s the useful tool? Search “英语时文阅读” on Wechat and you will find the WeChat Mini Program. The English articles here update(更新) every day. Students of all grades can find the right articles!


1.Which has the closest meaning to the underlined word “promptly”?

A Quickly.

B Politely.

C Loudly.

D Normally.

解析:选A。A词义猜测题。根据划线部分前面的“you should not only add the number of articles you read.”和“For you busy students,”可知,一昧地增加阅读量不是提升阅读的好方法,对于学业繁忙的学生来说,时间很宝贵,要有科学的方法和指导,要花最少的时间选择最对的阅读材料,这样才能真正做到高效阅读。故选A。

2.What can students do when meeting unknown words?

A Search for the meanings on the Internet.

B Look them up in the dictionary.

C Ask the classmates for help.

D Click on the screen.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第三段的“While reading, if you meet some new or difficult words, you can click on the word. Then you will see the Chinese meaning of the word.”可知,阅读中遇到不会的单词,可以直接点击屏幕查看单词的中文翻译。故选D。

3.Which ability can be improved through the method?

A The listening ability.

B The speaking ability.

C The reading ability.

D All of A, B and C.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第三段的“which will help improve your listening”“answer the questions, check the answers and understand why”和倒数第二段的“and you’ll be able to speak English well”可知,阅读前带着问题听,可以锻炼听力;答题后及时查看答案解析,订正错误答案,纠正答题思路,训练每个题型旁边的相似题型推送,可以更有目标、更有针对性地攻克阅读弱项,从而提高阅读能力;每天3-5句口语跟读,系统自动评分,对比差异,多次模仿纠正发音,可以提高口语能力。故选D。

4.How often does the WeChat Mini Program update articles?

A Every day.

B Twice a week.

C Twice a month.

D Once a week.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据最后一段倒数第二句“The English articles here update every day.”可知,“英语时文阅读”小程序文章每日更新,新鲜及时。故选A。

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A The importance of listening.

B A useful way to learn English.

C The importance of words.

D Ways to find reading articles.
