女子慷慨解囊 帮助学生偿还学校午餐债务
女子慷慨解囊 帮助学生偿还学校午餐债务

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, parents’ wallets got a break with free school lunches, but now that free lunches are no longer being offered, many are back to struggling. 

Sarah was browsing(浏览) social media one day when she saw a video about paying someone’s electric bill for them. A commenter mentioned that paying off school lunch debts was also a good way to help others, and Sarah loved the idea. She decided to use some of her own money to do just that, starting with the school right across the street from her apartment. 

She recorded a video of herself calling the school to ask how much debt they have, then uploaded it to TikTok to tell others about both the situation and her mission. The video really took off! More than a million people viewed Sarah’s video! Thousands of people left her encouraging comments, and a few were moved to tears by her kindness. For others, the need for this debt relief brought back painful memories of their own hungry school days.

In a follow-up video, Sarah went to the school and wrote a check for over $1,000 to bring their school lunch balance to zero. “We did it,” Sarah tells the camera as she leaves the school. “Who’s next? Let’s go.”

Sarah loves doing it so much, and she has no desire to stop anytime soon. She was especially encouraged when she learned that a total stranger sent her a $1,700 donation to pay off another school’s lunch bill! Sarah is doing what she can to help the next generation reach their fullest potential! No child should go hungry or feel ashamed because they can’t afford food. I hope sharing her story encourages others to do what they can do to help, too.


1.Where did Sarah get the inspiration to pay off school lunch debts?

A At school.

B On the Internet.

C In a bank.

D Across her apartment.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段的“browsing social media”“A commenter mentioned that paying off school lunch debts”可知,萨拉在上网的时候获得了去帮助他人付清午餐债务的主意。故选B。

2.What does the underlined part mean?

A The video became popular.

B Not many people liked the video.

C The video was short.

D Many people ignored her video.

解析:选A。A句意猜测题。根据划线部分后面的“More than a million people viewed Sarah’s video!”可知,超过一百万人观看了她的视频,因此她的视频很受欢迎。故选A。

3.What encouraged Sarah according to the last paragraph?

A Someone praised her.

B Someone lent her $1,700.

C Someone copied what she did.

D Someone shared their hungry school days.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据最后一段的“She was especially encouraged when she learned that a total stranger sent her a $1,700 donation to pay off another school’s lunch bill!”可知,当她得知一个陌生人向她捐赠了1700美元来支付另一所学校的午餐账单时,她尤其受到鼓舞!她的行为影响了别人,也帮助了更多的人,这使她斗志昂扬。故选C。

4.Why did the writer write the passage?

A To inspire parents to prepare meals for kids.

B To tell readers the importance of free school lunches.

C To let readers know Sarah’s mission.

D To encourage more people to show kindness.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据最后一句“I hope sharing her story encourages others to do what they can do to help, too.”可知,作者希望分享萨拉的故事能鼓励其他人尽自己所能帮助别人,即鼓励更多的人去做好事。故选D。