
Huang Xiaobei is a university student in China. One day, when she was watching a Chinese movie, she found she couldn’t close the bullet-screen comments(弹幕评论). She was forced to watch them. That was her first time to watch a movie with bullet-screen comments. However, after this experience, Huang Xiaobei has changed from “    △   ” to “   △   .” She is more and more fond of reading bullet-screen comments now. Like Huang Xiaobei, many college students enjoy bullet-screen comments when watching videos.

A survey on “Generation Z bullet-screen comment culture” has interviewed 1,976 college students across the country. Generation Z often refers to the generation that was born between 1996-2010. 

According to the survey, 86.43 percent of Chinese college students enjoy bullet-screen comments when they watch videos; 75.13 percent of them believe that these comments can bring them happiness. The survey results also showed that 61.34 percent of the respondents(调查对象) often choose to watch videos with bullet-screen comments. However, 38.66 percent prefer not to; the main reason is that these comments may make the pictures difficult to see. 

At the same time, according to the survey, 67.27 percent of the young people regard bullet-screen comments as a way to express their ideas; 63.05 percent of them believe that the comments serve as a good supplement to the video content(内容), and 53.19 percent of respondents think that bullet-screen comments help them find people who have the same opinions as them all over the world.  


1.What can be put back into the two blanks?

A hating the comments; considering them to be very interesting

B enjoying watching videos with comments; becoming bored of them

C paying no attention to the comments; getting tired of them

D thinking highly of the comments; paying less attention to them

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第一段第三句“She was forced to watch them.”可知,一次黄潇蓓看电影的时候,她发现自己不能关弹幕,于是被迫开着弹幕看了电影,因此可推测她一开始不喜欢弹幕;根据第一段倒数第二句“She is more and more fond of reading bullet-screen comments now.”可知,现在黄潇蓓越来越喜欢开着弹幕看电影了,由此可知她对弹幕的态度从一开始的厌恶到现在的喜爱。故选A。

2.Why did the writer talk about Huang Xiaobei?

A To show us university students’ life.

B To make the passage interesting.

C To explain bullet-screen comments.

D To bring up the topic.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“Like Huang Xiaobei, many college students enjoy bullet-screen comments when watching videos.”可知,作者通过黄潇蓓的例子,告诉我们黄潇蓓只是千千万万喜欢开着弹幕看视频的学生中的一员,由此可知作者举她的例子是为了引出话题——在中国,很多大学生喜欢开着弹幕看视频。故选D。

3.Why don’t some respondents like bullet-screen comments?

A Because the comments cover the pictures.

B Because the comments influence their thinking.

C Because some comments make them angry.

D Because the comments are difficult to understand.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第三段的“the main reason is that these comments may make the pictures difficult to see”可知,一些人认为弹幕会遮挡画面,影响视觉体验。故选A。

4.What can we know from the survey?

A It interviewed people who were born after 1990.

B About 764 respondents enjoy bullet-screen comments.

C Bullet-screen comments are helpful in some ways.

D All respondents like watching short videos.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第四段的“regard bullet-screen comments as a way to express their ideas”“a good supplement to the video content”和“find people who have the same opinions as them”可知,67.27%的受访者认为弹幕评论是表达自己观点的一种方式;63.05%的受访者认为这些评论是视频内容的一个很好的补充;53.19%的受访者表示弹幕评论可以帮助他们找到志同道合的人。由此可知弹幕评论在一定程度是有用的。故选C。

5.Where can we read the passage?

A In an instruction book.

B In a school newspaper.

C In a science magazine.

D In a geography textbook.
