女子地铁帮助老人 连续5年收到特产
女子地铁帮助老人 连续5年收到特产

Jia Yongting is a young woman living in Changsha, Central Chinas Hunan Province. Recently, she received a box full of guava(番石榴) from East Chinas Shandong Provincefor the fifth year in a row. These gifts all come from one person, 80-year-old Sun Zhenghong, a farmer in Laizhou, Shandong Province.

The connection between the two people started from September 19, 2018. When Jia saw Sun at a Beijing subway station, he was holding an old-style phone and asking for directions. Suns state of helplessness caught her attention so she went over to give him a hand. Jia gave Sun directions and asked if he had a place to stay. Sun said he was in the city on his own to handle some family affairs. Considering Jia was so old and had no shelter in the large city, Jia felt sorry for him. She gave him 100 yuan in cash and wrote down her phone number on the note in case he needed to call her if he needed help in Beijing. As she often helps others, Jia did not give the kind gesture a second thought and quickly forgot about it.

She never expected that Sun would call her around two weeks later from his home to ask her for her address so he could send her some local produce as thanks for her help. Although Jia refused to accept the gift at first, Sun kept calling her and his insistence touched Jias heart.

Jia has been receiving various gifts from Shandong following the changes of the seasons, all arriving at her home at just the right time of the year. And each time Sun wrote a letter and sent it to her with the gifts. In his letters, Sun always mentions the kindness he received from Jia and gave his best wishes.

This story of two strangers showing kindness to each other has warmed the hearts of millions of Chinese netizens(网民) who see it as a reflection of the unique warmth of the Chinese people. The story encourages us to show kindness. 


1.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A At what time Jia and Sun met each other.

B How the two strangers got to know each other.

C What caused Sun to go to Beijing by himself.

D Why Jia was interested in helping others.


2.How might Jia feel when receiving Sun’s first call?

A Embarrassed.

B Satisfied.

C Disappointed.

D Amazed.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第三段第一句“She never expected that Sun would call her around two weeks later from his home to ask her for her address so he could send her some local produce as thanks for her help.”可知,由于贾永婷经常帮助别人,很快就忘记了这个善意的举动。她没想到,两周后,孙洪正会从家里打电话给她,问她地址,这样他就可以给她寄一些当地的农产品,以感谢她的帮助。由此可知贾永婷第一次接到孙的电话时可能会感到惊讶。故选D。

3.How do people like Jia’s story?

A Amazing and imaginative.

B Educational and positive.

C Touching and critical.

D Cruel and scary.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据最后一段的“who see it as a reflection of the unique warmth of the Chinese people. The story encourages us to show kindness.”可知,两个陌生人通过相互友好建立联系的故事感动了许多网友,他们认为这反映了中国人民独特的温暖,这件事也鼓励了我们传递善意。由此可知人们认为这个故事是有教育意义的、积极的。故选B。

4.What can be learned from the passage?

A Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.

B Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.

C Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you.

D Never regret doing good, but one day it blossoms.
