男子失明后依然热爱滑板 盲杖当手打破世界记录
男子失明后依然热爱滑板 盲杖当手打破世界记录

Daniel Mancina, 35, broke the record for the longest 50-50 grind on a skateboard, according to Guinness World Records.

Although the 35-year-old skater is globally recognised as the “Blind Skateboarder”, there was once a time when he was just a skateboarder. Growing up in Michigan, Mancina would snowboard as a young boy during the winter seasons. After reading in a magazine that skateboarding was a good way to improve his snowboarding skills during the summer, Mancina, who was only 13 at the time, spent more time on his skateboard.

Never having tried his hand at the sport before and not knowing what it truly meant to be a skater, he would simply roll the skateboard around. It wasn’t until he moved to a different neighbourhood during his middle school years and met a group of skaters that Mancina began to truly appreciate skating.

However, at just thirteen years old, doctors told him that he had an eye problem and would lose his sight. In just a year and a half, he lost vision in his left eye, and his skateboarding career quickly skidded to a halt. A few years later, as he thought of the passion he once felt for skateboarding, he decided to film himself performing a front board. The video was shared by the Tony Hawk Foundation, now known as The Skatepark Project. It gave Mancina the motivation he needed to return to the sport— despite that he is now completely blind.

“Being a blind skater, I have to take my time to feel obstacles and have a good understanding of them before I start skating,” said Mancina. “I rely on my white cane(手杖) the most, using it to know my environment and to find obstacles while skating.”

Daniel Mancina hopes to perform at the Paralympics in 2028. His future plans include surpassing(超过) his current record title and building a skate park. Once it’s built, he will host skating workshops for blind kids to introduce them to the world of skating.


1.Why did Daniel Mancina start skateboarding?

A To make himself known globally.

B To improve his snowboarding skills.

C To kill more of his free time.

D To truly appreciate skateboarding.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段的“After reading in a magazine that skateboarding was a good way to improve his snowboarding skills during the summer”可知,Daniel Mancina想通过滑滑板来提高他的滑雪技巧。故选B。

2.What does the underlined part “skidded to a halt” probably mean?

A Stopped.

B Took off.

C Broke out.

D Continued.

解析:选A。A词义猜测题。根据后文“It gave Mancina the motivation he needed to return to the sport”他重新回到了这项运动,可知前文提到他左眼失明后,他的滑板事业陷入了停滞。故选A。

3.Which is NOT included in Mancina’s future plans?

A Teaching blind kids to skate.

B Breaking his own record.

C Finding certain cure for his disease.

D Taking part in the Paralympics.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据最后一段的“perform at the Paralympics in 2028”“surpassing his current record title”和“blind kids to introduce them to the world of skating”可知,Daniel Mancina未来想参加残奥会、打破自己现有的记录、为失明或有视力障碍的孩子们带去滑板体验;文章中并未提到去治疗他的眼疾。故选C。

4.What is the text mainly about?

A More blind kids can experience the world of skating.

B Blind people need much more practice to skate.

C Skating always keeps skateboarders in their passion.

D Blind skateboarder makes his way into the record books.
