
Experts say that more than 1 billion(十亿) young people cannot hear well.

They are between 12 and 34 years old. Young people often hear loud noises in their ears. Their hearing test results(结果) are not good.

Experts know why this happens(发生). Young people always wear their headphones(耳机). They go to concerts. The music is often too loud. Sometimes, music in restaurants is loud, too.

Sometimes we can lose hearing when we hear something very loud only once. Loud noise is harmful to our ears. Once the hearing is damaged, it is difficult to fix it.


1.The passage is about young people's _________.

A study

B healthy habit

C school life

D hearing problem

解析:选D。D主旨大意题。根据第一段的“more than 1 billion young people cannot hear well”可知,这篇文章是关于年轻人的听力问题的。故选D。

2.How are young people's hearing test results?

A Amazing.

B Terrible.

C Interesting.

D Worrying.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“Their hearing test results are not good.”可知,他们的听力测试结果并不好。故选B。

3.What does the underlined word “harmful” mean?

A Healthy.

B Old.

C Useful.

D Bad.

解析:选D。D 词义猜测题。根据划线句子前面的“when we hear something very loud only once”和后面的“ it is very difficult to fix it可知,有时候,当我们只听一次非常喧闹的嘈杂声,我们的听力也会受损,并且听力受损后是很难修复的。因此巨大的噪音对我们的耳朵不好。故选D。

4.Where can we read the passage?

A In a map.

B In a dictionary.

C In a newspaper.

D In a geography book.


5.What is Paragraph 3 about?

A Why young people cannot hear well.

B When young people cannot hear well.

C Why young people cannot see well.

D When young people cannot see well.

解析:选A。A段落大意题。根据第三段的中心句“Experts know why this happens.”可知,专家给出了造成全球超10亿青少年面临听力受损的原因。故选A。