
Coffee is one of the most popular drinks around the world. With so much coffee being sold and drunk, it does raise a question: Who is drinking the most?

Finland has the most coffee drinkers in the world in 2022. Averagely(平均地), each person drinks four cups a day and 26 pounds(磅) a year. In Finland, coffee is part of the culture. People can drink coffee twice a day while working. It’s protected by the government. Also, it’s very cold here in Finland in winter. Many people drink hot coffee to keep warm.

Norway comes in as a close second to Finland in coffee drinking. Here, the average person drinks about three cups a day. If someone loves coffee, he or she would drink more than five or six a day. Hot coffee is very popular here too because of the cold weather. People in Norway take much time to drink coffee from Monday to Friday. They drink coffee while at work, after breakfast and dinner.



1.Each person from Finland drinks _________ of coffee averagely in one week.

A 4 cups

B 28 cups

C 26 pounds

D 182 pounds

解析:选B。B数字计算题。根据第二段第二句“Averagely, each person drinks four cups a day and 26 pounds a year.”可知,在芬兰,平均每人每天喝四杯咖啡,则平均每人每周喝28杯咖啡。故选B。

2.People in Finland drink coffee because of _________.

A the warm weather

B the busy work

C its culture

D the government

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段的“In Finland, coffee is part of the culture.”及后文的描述可知,在芬兰,喝咖啡是一种文化,工作的时候喝咖啡是受保护的。故选C。

3.What makes people from both Finland and Norway love coffee?

A Many shops selling coffee.

B Their beautiful cups.

C Much time to rest.

D The cold days.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第二段的“Also, it’s very cold here in Finland in winter.”和第三段“Hot coffee is very popular too here because of the cold weather.”可知,在芬兰和挪威,天气都很冷,所以人们都爱喝热咖啡。故选D。

4.Linda from Norway might not drink coffee on _________.

A Monday morning

B Tuesday evening

C Friday night

D Sunday afternoon

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第三段最后两句“People in Norway take much time to drink coffee from Monday to Friday. They drink coffee while at work, after breakfast and dinner.”可知,挪威人周一到周五喝咖啡,工作的时候喝咖啡,早饭和晚饭后都会喝咖啡。结合选项可知,最有可能不喝咖啡的是在周日下午。故选D。

5.What can be put into the “ △ ”?

A What about the third one?

B Then you see many coffee shops.

C How to make a cup of coffee yourself?

D Iceland comes in at number four on the list.
