健身房老板慷慨解囊 为残疾客户重新定义运动
健身房老板慷慨解囊 为残疾客户重新定义运动

Growing up poor in Jamaica, Javeno McLean didn’t have a lot of money. He learned early in life that the greatest gift you can give another person is your time and talents. It’s a lesson he still lives by.

The 37-year-old father-of-two from Manchester, England used to be a player. About 15 years ago, he realized he enjoyed helping other people hit their fitness goals more than being a sports player himself. He dreamed of opening a gym where he could help others. Five years ago, he made his dream come true — and he’s been helping the elderly and disabled keep fit ever since.

There’s one more special thing about Javeno’s gym that makes it stand out from the rest: He doesn’t ask anyone with physical or mental(心理上的) problems for money. “I wanted this to be a gym where people could exercise and find something that works for them,” Javeno said. “I hated the way gyms made people feel — that’s why I called my place a health centre. I wanted to redefine(重新定义) exercise. People feel insecure in gyms. I’m a gym guy, but if I feel uncomfortable by people watching in the gym, what’s that going to be like for somebody who’s ill, disabled, or elderly? It’s going to make them feel even worse. I wanted to change how people experience exercise.”

When Javeno tells people with physical or mental problems his services are free, their reactions(反应) only encourage him to help more people!


1.When was Javeno born?

A In 1983.

B In 1985.

C In 1987.

D In 1989.

解析:选B。B 数字计算题。根据第二段第一句“The 37-year-old father-of-two from Manchester, England”可知,贾夫诺·麦克林今年37岁,因此他出生于(2022-37=)1985年。故选B。

2.What was Javeno’s dream?

A To open a gym.

B To work in a gym.

C To be a sports player.

D To help the elderly.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第二段第三句“He dreamed of opening a gym where he could help others.”可知,他梦想开一个健身房,这样他可以帮助别人保持健康。故选A。

3.What’s Javeno’s gym’s difference from other gyms?

A It’s free at night.

B A card is not required.

C It offers free lunch.

D It’s free for special people.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句的“There’s one more special thing about Javeno’s gym that makes it stand out from the rest: He doesn’t ask anyone with physical or mental problems for money”可知,贾夫诺的健身房对特定人群免费,这使得他的健身房与众不同。故选D。

4.What may Javeno do in the future?

A Give up his job.

B Build a hospital.

C Help more people.

D Continue to be a player.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据最后一句的“and their reactions only encourage him to help more people”可知,当贾夫诺告诉他的目标人群他不会向他们收取健身费用时,他们的反应激励他帮助更多的人,由此可推测未来贾夫诺会一直帮助他人。故选C。

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A Gym Owner Has Physical Problems.

B Sports Player Realizes His Dream.

C Sports Player Enjoys Himself.

D Gym Owner Redefines Exercise.

解析:选D。D 主旨大意题。根据全文内容可知,贾夫诺改变人们的锻炼方式,重新定义了锻炼。故选D。