
Long ago in Italy, there lived an old clock-maker. His name was Geppetto. When he worked, he felt happy. But when he rested, a sad feeling came over him. “All my life and no child to call my own!” he would think. So, one day, Geppetto created a boy puppet(木偶).

He made the arms and legs of the puppet so they could move. He made nice clothes for it, as if it were a real boy. “I will call you Pinocchio,” said Geppetto. That night, Geppetto put the puppet onto the bed.

From out of the window, there was a big star in the sky. Geppetto looked out of the window to the big star. He said, “If I could make one wish, it would be for a real boy of my own.” That night, the same big star flew into Geppetto’s room. It became into a Blue Fairy(仙子)! The Blue Fairy flew over to the bed.

“Little puppet,” said the Blue Fairy. “In the morning, you will be able to walk and talk like a real boy. And if someday you can show that you are brave and true, you may become a real boy.” Pinocchio’s eyes opened.


1.When Geppetto rested, he was ______.

A unhappy

B worried

C angry

D afraid

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第一段的“But when he rested, a sad feeling came over him.”可知,当杰佩托休息的时候,他会感到不开心。故选A。

2.Geppetto makes ________ for Pinocchio.

A clothes

B shoes

C bags

D bags

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段第二句的“He made nice clothes for it”可知,杰佩托为木偶匹诺曹做了衣服。故选A。

3.Who gave the boy puppet a name?

A Pinocchio.

B The Blue Fairy.

C The big star.

D Geppetto.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段的“‘I will call you Pinocchio,’ said Geppetto.”可知,是杰佩托为这个木偶男孩取名匹诺曹。故选D。

4.What was Geppetto’s wish?

A To own the big star.

B To meet a Blue Fairy.

C To have his own boy.

D To make Pinocchio walk and talk.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第三段的“If I could make one wish, it would be for a real boy of my own.”可知,杰佩托的愿望是有一个他自己的男孩。故选C。

5.When could Pinocchio talk to Geppetto?

A That night.

B Ten years later.

C The next night.

D The next morning.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据最后一段的“In the morning, you will be able to walk and talk like a real boy.”可知,第二天早上匹诺曹就能说话和走路。故选D。