悉尼一小学实验课发生爆炸 多名学生被烧伤
悉尼一小学实验课发生爆炸 多名学生被烧伤

A serious accident happened at a primary school in the Australian city of Sydney. It was around 1:00 pm local time on Monday. Several students got hurt in the classroom. 

Reports say at least two students were taken to hospital with serious burns(烧伤). Nine others are believed to have gone through superficial(表面的) burns. One teacher was also sent to the hospital for superficial burns.

Several parents went to the school on Monday afternoon. They had questions about the accident. But the school said they had got things “under control”. “We heard online what happened, and it was a bit worrying. But everything seemed to be under control quite quickly,” Mich Ashton, a parent at the school, said. Another parent said it was a “usual science experiment”, adding that the teacher was “much loved”.

A resident(居民) said that a teacher had walked out of the school earlier to speak to a group of people outside. “The teacher said a science experiment(实验) went wrong, which caused some chemical burns.”


1.Where did the accident happen?

A In the teachers’ office.

B Outside of the school.

C On the playground.

D In the classroom.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Several students got hurt in the classroom.”可知,该事故发生在教室里。故选D。

2.How many people got hurt at least?

A Two.

B Nine.

C Eleven.

D Twelve.


3.What can we know about Mich Ashton?

A He took part in the experiment.

B He was worried about the accident.

C He believed what the school said.

D He controlled everything quickly.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第三段的“it was a bit worrying”可知,学生家长米奇·阿什顿很担心这起事故。故选B。

4.What’s the last paragraph mainly about?

A How the accident happened.

B What the school will do next.

C Whom the police will question.

D Why the experiment took place.


5.In which part of a newspaper can we read this passage?

A Science.

B World.

C Business.

D Health.
