
How many claps(鼓掌) could you do in a minute? Well, an American man has clapped his hands 1,140 times in one minute.

Dalton Meyer, 20, said his interest in clapping began when he was little. He saw a video(视频) on the Internet. It was about Kent French. He was known as the fastest clapper in the world at that time. Years later, Dalton Meyer becomes the fastest one.

When you watch Meyer’s video, you may get surprised. You might think it’s really difficult. But for Meyer, it wasn’t. Meyer said, “It came naturally to me. It was like I don’t even have to practice. Really, I just knew how to do it.”

The act was tried in March, but it was made official(官方的) months later.


1.Dalton Meyer is from _______.

A Canada

B Thailand

C the United States

D the United Kingdom

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第一段第二句的“an American man”可知道尔顿·迈耶来自美国。故选C。

2.When was Meyer born(出生)?

A In 2012.

B In 1992.

C In 2002.

D In 2020.

解析:选C。C数字计算题。根据第二段的“Dalton Meyer, 20”可知迈耶出生于2022-20=2002年。故选C。

3.Where did the video of Kent French come from?

A The school.

B The Internet.

C The email box.

D Meyer’s parents.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段第二、三句的“He saw a video on the Internet. It was about Kent French.”可知,肯特·弗伦奇的视频来自网上。故选B。

4.Fast clapping is ______ for Meyer.

A easy

B hard

C tired

D scared

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第三段的“You might think it’s really difficult. But for Meyer, it wasn’t.”“It came naturally to me, it was like I don’t even have to practice.”可知,对迈耶来说,快速鼓掌不难,甚至是一件很自然的事情,即对他来说这很简单。故选A。

5.Where can we read the passage?

A In a dictionary.

B In a newspaper.

C In a story book.

D In a travel guide.
