
Should kids have smartphones? Some may agree while others may not. Recently, we had a class meeting and talked about the topic.

Some students explain why kids should have smartphones. First, phones allow parents to get in touch with their kids easily. Parents can see their kids’ location and pick them up if there’s a sudden dangerous event or situation. Second is education. An app like Duolingo helps kids learn Spanish and other languages. Bilibili can also be a learning tool when it’s used appropriately(恰当地). Finally, smartphones help kids communicate with their friends, especially when they are in different cities or countries.

Here are also reasons why kids should not own smartphones. Looking at screens for too long could be bad for their eyes. Smartphones can also take away students’ attention from school. And studies say that teenagers and young adults who spend the most time on social-media platforms(社交媒体平台) are more often feeling sad and hopeless than those who spend the least time on them. This might happen to kids, too. What about safety? Well, children should always be with adults, so safety is not a reason for using a smartphone. With all the risks to health, schoolwork, and happiness, it’s not worth it for kids to have smartphones.

As for me, I advise not taking any risks. Young kids are not good at controlling their smartphone use. The more time kids are on their phones, the more they can be exposed to strangers, bullying(欺凌), and other dangers. Not to mention the effects on their health, including anxiety and sleep problems.


1.What can kids do with Duolingo?

A Learn foreign languages.

B Communicate with others.

C Keep away from dangers.

D Find more learning tools.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第二段的“An app like Duolingo helps kids learn Spanish and other languages.”可知Duolingo是一款应用软件,孩子们可以利用它来学习外语。故选A。

2.Which is NOT a reason why kids should have smartphones?

A Kids can learn things on smartphones.

B Kids can get in touch with parents easily.

C Kids can share their location with friends.

D Kids can communicate with friends easily.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。通读第二段内容可知,本段中的First, Second, Finally分别描述了三点儿童应该拥有智能手机的原因,即和父母联系、学习东西、以及和朋友联系。只有C项“和朋友分享所在位置”未提及。故选C。

3.How many reasons are mentioned why kids should not have smartphones?

A Two.

B Three.

C Four.

D Five.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。通读第三段内容可知,本段给出了儿童不应该拥有智能手机的三个原因,分别是:长时间看屏幕伤眼睛、分散学习注意力、在社交媒体平台上花很多时间导致更容易抑郁。故选B。

4.The underlined part “worth it” can be replaced(替换) by __________.

A stupid

B strange

C wrong

D necessary

解析:选D。D 词义猜测题。第三段前半部分主要给出了不应该拥有智能手机的三方面原因,最后一句给出总结:鉴于智能手机对孩子的健康、学业和幸福都有风险,所以让孩子拥有智能手机是没有必要的(necessary)。故选D。

5.What’s the writer’s attitude to kids' having smartphones?

A He/She is for it.

B He/She is not for it.

C He/She doesn’t worry about it.

D We don’t know.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。最后一段中,作者给出了自己的观点,建议不要冒险(给儿童智能手机),儿童并不能很好地控制自己使用手机,用手机越多,越容易遭遇欺凌和危险,而且会影响他们的健康,带来焦虑和睡眠问题。由此可见作者反对儿童拥有智能手机。故选B。