被子触感像“撸猫” 网友:买它!
被子触感像“撸猫” 网友:买它!

Japanese company Nissen recently made its most interesting product that tries to mimic(模仿) cat fur available to the public. 

Studies have shown that petting a cat for just 10 minutes is relaxing. But what about people who would love to have a pet cat, but are living in apartments that don’t allow pets? What are they supposed to do to relax? Well, that’s where the new Neko Feel (“Cat Feel”) material developed by Nissen comes into play. The Japanese company just made a line of bed Neko Feel products that mimic the feel of cat fur available to the public.

It all started about a year ago, when a young Nissen worker started saying that the apartment she was living in didn’t allow her to keep a cat. At that time, someone at the company realized that it was a common problem and decided to do something about it. And that’s how the plan of making the products began.

After coming up with some samples(样品), Nissen started consulting its cat-owning workers about the features of the material, like softness and thickness. Nissin’s Neko Feel offerings include a blanket that comes in either single or double size, a smaller throw blanket, and a ‘circle relaxation cushion(垫子)’ that goes on the floor.

Prices change from 1,969 yen ($13) to 6,038 yen ($41) for the double bed-size blanket. That’s not bad for something that supposedly mimics cat fur, but the bad news is that getting your hands on some Nekko Feel products may be quite the challenge since they’ve sold out within hours of Nissen announcing them on the Internet.


1.Why is petting a cat good for us?

A It makes us relax.

B It keeps us company.

C It helps us sleep better.

D It has a good sense of danger.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“Studies have shown that petting a cat for just 10 minutes is relaxing.”可知,抚摸一只猫10分钟就可以帮助我们放松。故选A。

2.What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?

A How Nissen developed their products.

B When the young Nissen worker moved home.

C Why Nissen workers weren’t allowed to keep cats.

D How Nissen came up with the idea of the new products.


3.Which word has the closest meaning to the underlined word “consulting”?

A Hiding.

B Asking.

C Rising.

D Causing.

解析:选B。B词义猜测题。根据划线部分后面的“ its cat-owning workers about the features of the material, like softness and thickness”可知,在推出一些样品后,公司向多名猫主人“咨询”样品所用材料的特性,比如柔软度、厚度等。故选B。

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A People don’t like Nissen’s new products.

B The company prepared enough products.

C All new products have the same prices.

D The Nekko Feel products are popular.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据最后一段的“may be quite the challenge since they’ve sold out within hours of Nissen announcing them on the Internet.”可知,想买到这些产品并不容易:公司在网上“官宣”商品后,仅数小时就全部售罄。由此可知这些产品很受欢迎。故选D。

5.Where can we read the passage?

A In a school report.

B In a notice.

C In an instruction book.

D In a newspaper.
