男孩生日气球飘到800公里外 意外获礼物
男孩生日气球飘到800公里外 意外获礼物

Kason Johnson turned 8 years old on October 16th. That day, a lot of balloons(气球) were sent to his second-grade classroom at Mountain Grove Elementary in Missouri. It was an exciting day, but on the way out to his mom’s car, tragedy happened. Kason lost his control of the balloons, and they flew away…never to be seen again.

Five hundred miles away, Todd Huyler was working in Cleveland, Tennessee. He found Kason’s balloons in his working place. He quickly understood that the balloons were for an 8-year-old boy named Kason through the note on the balloons. He also knew the boy’s school information through the note.

Most people would have thrown the balloons away, but not Todd! Instead, he started collecting a few gifts to send to the birthday boy. He wrote Kason’s parents a letter and included a photo of himself and his dog, Henry. Todd also included a handmade baseball bat(球棒), a gift for Kason’s teacher, and $100 for the child! Todd sent the care package to the middle school, where teachers passed it to Kason and his family.

In his letter, Todd said the simple act of a family showing love to their 2nd grader with a gift of surprise really brought him sunshine. “How amazingly lucky Kason is to have a family that will try their best to show love.”

Can you believe how generous this stranger was? What a kind thing to do for a little boy who lost his birthday balloons. We are sure Kason will always remember this birthday!


1.What does the underlined word “tragedy” refer to?

A Kason’s baseball was lost.

B Kason saw an accident.

C The balloons flew away.

D The balloons were broken.

解析:选C。C词意指代题。根据划线部分后面的“Kason lost his control of the balloons, and they flew away…never to be seen again.”可知,气球飞走了,这对一个当天过生日的小孩来说是个悲剧。故选C。

2.What can we know from Paragraphs 2 and 3?

A Todd Huyler worked in Kason’s school.

B Todd Huyler threw the balloons away.

C Todd Huyler knew nothing about Kason.

D There was a note on the balloons.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段第三句的“He quickly understood that the balloons were for an 8-year-old boy named Kason through the note on the balloons.”可知,气球上有纸条,纸条上有关于卡森的信息。故选D。

3.What can’t be found in the care package?

A A handmade baseball bat.

B A birthday cake.

C A letter.

D A photo.


4.How did Todd feel about the balloons?

A He spoke highly of the parents’ act.

B He was very surprised.

C He was so lucky to get them.

D He would try his best to pay back.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第四段的“ really brought him sunshine”“How amazingly lucky Kason is to have a family that will try their best to show love.”可知,托德觉得卡森父母给儿子惊喜的这一行为温暖了他,并表达了卡森生活在一个非常有爱的家庭的幸运。由此可知托德非常赞赏卡森的父母。故选A。

5.What does the writer think of Todd?

A Kind.

B Careful.

C Honest.

D Brave.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据最后一段的“how generous this stranger was”以及“What a kind thing”可知,作者认为Todd很善良。故选A。