
Yang Weiyun is 73 years old. She comes from Huainan city of Anhui province and has much experience in teaching. She had been a Chinese teacher in a school for 30 years and a kindergarten head for another 20 years.

After she retired(退休), Yang still wanted to do something meaningful. She got the idea of continuing her teaching through livestreaming(直播) online. Yang started in May 2021 and offered free pinyin lessons to kindergarten students. However, she gradually learnt there are a lot of adults who can neither read nor write.

Yang said she found that many illiterate adults are afraid to go to new places. They also worried that they couldn’t teach their children or read their boss’s instructions(老板的指示). “Many illiterate adults didn’t have the chance to go to school when they were young. Now they really need to learn to read and write. So I wanted to give them a new starting point,” Yang said.

Most of Yang’s adult students are busy at work. They have to make the time to learn the lessons, so Yang holds two livestream lessons every day, starting at 8:30 am and 8:30 pm. Yang’s livesteam lessons offer an easy way for those adults who want to learn to read and write. Now she has nearly 300,000 followers on Douyin. Yang tried her best to find the best ways to help the students learn and remember better. Her biggest wish now is to see these students graduate from her classes.


1.Yang Weiyun has____________ years’ experience in school.

A 20

B 30

C 50

D 70

解析:选C。C数字计算题。根据第一段最后一句“She had been a Chinese teacher in a school for 30 years and a kindergarten head for another 20 years.”可知,杨维云在小学当了30年教师,又在幼儿园干了20年,因此她一共有50年在学校的经验。故选C。

2.Who did Yang want to teach online at first?

A Kindergarten students.

B Chinese teachers.

C Busy adults.

D College students.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段的“Yang started in May 2021 and offered free pinyin lessons to kindergarten students.”可知,她原本是免费教幼儿园的孩子学拼音课程。故选A。

3.The underlined word “illiterate” probably means___________.

A busy at work

B happy to teach

C good at learning

D unable to read or write

解析:选D。D 词义猜测题。根据前文(第二段最后一句)“there are a lot of adults who can neither read nor write”以及后文的“Now they really need to learn to read and write”可知,这些成年人不会认字和写字,他们需要学习识字和写字,由此推断illiterate表示不会认字和写字的,故选D。

4.How often does Yang hold livesteam lessons?

A Once a day.

B Twice a day.

C Once a week.

D Twice a week.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第四段的“so Yang holds two livestream lessons every day, starting at 8:30 am and 8:30 pm”可知,杨维云一天直播两次。故选B。

5.In which part of a newspaper can we read the passage?

A Health.

B Nature.

C Sports.

D People.
