女孩遭雷击心脏骤停三次 父亲不放弃持续心肺复苏
女孩遭雷击心脏骤停三次 父亲不放弃持续心肺复苏

12-year-old girl Ella was taking a usual visit at her grandparent’s home. She was just going outside. A storm was happening, and suddenly lightning struck(闪电击中) her.

“It just seemed like any other normal day when it rains here,” Ella’s father Steven Jorgensen said. He shared that Ella was stepping outside to play with a friend when thunder started to rumble(发出隆隆声). In a few seconds, lightning struck Ella.

Luckily, doctors believe that the lightning didn’t hit Ella directly, but near her. It took her down right away. Her father, who used to be a marine(海军陆战队士兵) , took action to save her at once. Though Steven was well trained, it was a bit scary when it was his own daughter.

“I got her heart back going, I got her breathing, but it was only for a very short time. I lost it again,” Steven said. “I started again, and then I got her heart beating back again for a little bit longer.” Ella’s heart stopped 3 times, and each time her father brought her back using CPR.

Ella doesn’t remember much about the accident. She was rushed to the hospital and things were happening very quickly. Her parents explained to her what happened. Steven said, “I told the news to her that she got struck by lightning. She didn’t believe me at first. After she was better, her mom told her again. She just looked at her mom and said, ‘I’m going to have a cool story to tell forever now!’”


1.What was the weather like when Ella was going outside?

A Fine.

B Cloudy.

C Rainy.

D Windy.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段的“A storm was happening”以及第二段的“when it rains here”可知,Ella出去时正在下雨。故选C。

2.Why did Ella go outside?

A To play with her friend.

B To meet her grandparents.

C To find her father.

D To watch the lightning.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第二段的“Ella was stepping outside to play with a friend”可知,Ella当时正准备出门去和一个朋友玩耍。故选A。

3.How did Steven feel when saving her daughter?

A Relaxed.

B Nervous.

C Bored.

D Tired.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第三段的“it was a bit scary when it was his own daughter”可知,虽然Steven曾经接受过良好的急救训练,但在给自己的女儿实施急救时,他还是感到有点害怕,由此推断他当时肯定很紧张。故选B。

4.What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?

A Why Steven saved Ella.

B How Steven saved Ella.

C Where Steven saved Ella.

D Whom Steven got help from.

解析:选B。B 段落大意题。根据本段中Steven的描述,可知本段主要是关于他如何救他女儿Ella的。故选B。

5.What can we know from the last paragraph?

A Ella knew everything about the accident.

B Ella’s parents asked her to forget the accident.

C Ella felt sad for her being struck by lightning.

D Ella saw the good side of the accident.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据最后一段的最后一句“I’m going to have a cool story to tell forever now!”Ella把自己被雷击中这个事件当作一个很酷的故事,由此推断她很积极乐观,看到了这个事件好的一面。故选D。