
A new study finds that vaccinating pregnant women for RSV was effective in protecting their newborns from the sickness.

RSV affects the body’s breathing system. RSV is most common in babies, but can also affect adults. Most of the time it only causes minor sickness such as a runny nose and cough. But in serious cases it can lead to life-threatening disease in some babies and older people. In the United States, RSV leads to the hospitalization(住院治疗) of about 58,000 children younger than age 5 each year. Several hundred children die. About 177,000 adults 65 and older are hospitalized with RSV each year and it kills about 14,000. Worldwide, about 100,000 children a year die from RSV, most of them in poor countries.

American drug maker Pfizer did the study. It announced the results Tuesday. The study subjects were given the vaccine in the second half of their pregnancy terms. The company said its RSV vaccine was nearly 82 percent effective in preventing severe cases of the virus during the first 90 days of a baby’s life. At six months of age, the vaccine was found to be 69 percent effective against serious sickness, the study found. Pfizer said there were no signs of safety problems in mothers or babies. The study showed the vaccine was most effective against severe disease. For milder sickness, the rate of effectiveness dropped to between 51 to 57 percent. Pfizer said it plans to seek government approval of its RSV vaccine by the end of 2022. If approved, Pfizer’s shot could become the first vaccine given to mothers to prevent RSV in young children.

Children’s hospitals in parts of the U.S. have been reporting worrying levels of RSV cases. While the latest findings will not be able to help that situation, they do raise hopes that one or more vaccines might become available before next fall’s RSV season. “My fingers are crossed,” said Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University. “We’re making inroads,” he added. 


1.What can we know about RSV?

A It is most common in grown-ups.

B It causes minor sickness only.

C It can be controlled easily.

D It should be taken seriously.


2.Which of the following is mentioned in paragraph three?

A The efficiency of RSV vaccine in preventing mild diseases.

B Examples of safety problems caused by RSV vaccine.

C Time of the pregnancy women being given RSV vaccine.

D Pfizer’s future plan about improving RSV vaccine.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段第三句“The study subjects were given the vaccine in the second half of their pregnancy terms.”可知,研究对象在怀孕的后半期接种了疫苗。故选C。

3.What does the author think of vaccinating pregnant women for RSV?

A Relieved.

B Critical.

C Indifferent.

D Objective.

解析:选D。D观点态度题。根据最后一段“While the latest findings will not be able to help that situation, they do raise hopes that one or more vaccines might become available before next fall’s RSV season.”可知作者指出了该研究的缺陷,但也承认了该研究的作用,即其态度是客观的。故选D。

4.What type of writing is this text?

A A business guide.

B An official announcement.

C A health report.

D An advertisement.
