
When Brandi Milloy was pregnant with her daughter in 2017, she didn’t want an ordinary baby shower(迎婴派对), where everyone politely sat around and watched her open presents. So she centered her party around something a bit unexpected. “People were like, ‘This is like no other baby shower I’ve ever been to,’” says Milloy. “It became such a conversation starter.” A classic birthday cake and balloons will always do just fine, but theme parties elevate a celebration. So how do you host a theme party for the ages? 

Choose a party theme that guests will connect with.

Choose something that your guests will be delighted by and understand. If you want to think outside the box, don’t be too overly narrow. If you pick a theme that more than 30% of your group doesn’t know or can’t relate to, it might crash and burn. So consider your guest list. Other than that, be as creative as you want to be.

Give people plenty of notice.

Don’t put yourself or your guests through the pain of last-minute shopping. If you’re expecting guests to have a costume, you should give them at least six weeks of advance notice. The extra time can also give people a chance to make room in their social calendars, especially if your event is during a busy holiday season when you might have competition. Clearly note any important information on your original invitation, then remind people again closer to the date.

Make it easy for people to participate, but don’t force it.

Unavoidably, someone is going to show up out-of-theme—and that can be frustrating after you put so much time and effort into planning a thoughtful event. But don’t give your guests a hard time about it. Instead, be creative about making everyone feel welcome and included. Lastly, it’s important to remember the reason for your gathering in the first place.


1.What’s the purpose of mentioning Brandi Milloy in Paragraph one?

A To show us the great influence of themes in holding parties.

B To tell us her daughter’s baby shower was surprising.

C To inform us of the importance of theme parties.

D To lead us to the topic of hosting theme parties.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“So how do you host a theme party for the ages?”以及下文内容可知,文章开头举Brandi Milloy的例子是为了引出本文主要话题。故选D。

2.What should the theme be like?

A Fashionable.

B Common.

C Acceptable.

D Unusual.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第二段的“guests will connect with”“your guests will be delighted by and understand”“consider your guest list.”等可知,派对的主题应该能被客人所接受。故选C。

3.What should be noticed when informing people?

A Give them half a year for preparation.

B Make room for their social activities.

C Invite them during a busy season.

D Remind people again before the party.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句的“remind people again closer to the date”可知,应该在派对前几天再提醒一下客人。故选D。

4.What does the last paragraph tell us?

A Everyone should participate in the party.

B It’s important to make guests feel comfortable.

C Always remember to be happy during the party.

D Figure out the reason why you are holding a party.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据最后一段小标题及“don’t give your guests a hard time about it”“making everyone feel welcome and included”等可知,不要强迫客人,要让他们感到舒服。故选B。