2023奥斯卡“最佳国际影片”角逐在即 《奇迹·笨小孩》参选
2023奥斯卡“最佳国际影片”角逐在即 《奇迹·笨小孩》参选

Entries for the 2023 Oscar for Best InternationalFeature are underway.

China: Nice View (Muye Wen)

A box office hit in China, where it earned over $210m, this film sees a young man go to extreme lengths trying to raise money for his younger sister’s heart operation. It had its world premiere(首映) at Udine Far East Film Festival and picked up best director and best newcomer at China’s Hundred Flowers awards. The leading role is musician-turned-actor Jackson Yee. International sales: Tiger Pictures Entertainment

Saudi Arabia: Raven Song (Mohamed Al Salman)

The country’s sixth Oscar submission follows a 30-year-old man who is diagnosed with a brain tumour(肿瘤) just as he falls in love with a mysterious woman. The comedy is Al Salman’s feature debut and will have its world premiere at Red Sea Film Festival (December 1-10). Raven Song is produced by Telfaz 11 and was one of the winners of Saudi Film Commission’s Daw Film Competition. International sales: Pending

Cambodia: Return To Seoul (Davy Chou)

Inspired by the director’s own life as a French-born Cambodian, the country’s 11th Oscar submission follows a French woman who returns to Korea for the first time since being adopted as a baby. The film had its world premiere at Cannes in Un Certain Regard and also screened at Busan, Zurich, New York, Toronto, and Athens, where it won Best Picture. It was produced by France’s Aurora Films in co-production with Cambodia’s Anti-Archive, Germany’s Vandertastic Films and Belgium’s Frakas Pictures. International sales: mk2

Singapore: Ajoomma (He Shuming)

In He Shuming’s debut feature, a recent widow travels overseas for the first time where she meets an elderly security officer and a teenage tour guide as the three embark on an adventure. The comedy-drama will premiere at Busan International Film Festival. Ajoomma is produced by Anthony Chen’s Singapore-based Giraffe Pictures and stars Hong Hui Fang, Kang Hyung-seok and Jung Dong-hwan. It is Singapore’s 16th Oscar submission. World sales: Rediance


1.Which film won more than more one award?

A Nice View.

B Raven Song.

C Return To Seoul.

D Ajoomma.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段的“picked up best director and best newcomer at China’s Hundred Flowers awards”可知,《奇迹·笨小孩》获得了不止一项奖:百花奖的最佳导演和最佳新人。故选A。

2.What’s Raven Song mainly about?

A A love story.

B A folk tale.

C A horror adventure.

D A tragedy.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第三段的“...a 30-year-old man who is diagnosed with a brain tumour just as he falls in love with a mysterious woman. The comedy...”可知,电影Raven Song讲述的是一位30岁的男子在爱上一位神秘女子之后被诊断患脑瘤的故事,是一部喜剧。故选A。

3.Whose film comes from reality?

A Muye Wen.

B Mohamed Al Salman.

C Davy Chou.

D He Shuming.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第四段的“Inspired by the director’s own life”可知,导演Davy Chou的电影Return To Seoul是受导演的真实生活启发的。故选C。

4.What’s the similarity between Raven Song and Ajoomma?

A They are both drama.

B They are both to be released.

C They both have two leading roles.

D They both won awards before.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据第三段的“will have its world premiere at Red Sea Film Festival (December 1-10)”和最后一段的“will premiere at Busan International Film Festival”可知,电影Raven Song和Ajoomma都还未上映。故选B。