助眠套房、“睡眠炼金法” 全球正兴起睡眠旅游
助眠套房、“睡眠炼金法” 全球正兴起睡眠旅游

Going on a vacation might seem like a rather unconventional way to try to improve your sleep habits. But sleep tourism has been growing in popularity for a number of years, with an increasing amount of sleep-focused stays popping up in hotels and resorts across the world. Interest has skyrocketed since the pandemic, with a number of high profile hotels focusing their attention on those suffering from sleep-deprivation(缺乏).

Over the past 12 months, Park Hyatt New York has opened the Bryte Restorative Sleep Suite, a 900-square-foot suite filled with sleep-enhancing amenities(便利设施), while Rosewood Hotels & Resorts recently launched a collection of retreats called the Alchemy of Sleep, which are designed to “promote rest”. Zedwell, London’s first sleep-centric hotel, which features rooms equipped with innovative soundproofing, opened in early 2020, and Swedish bed manufacturer Hastens established the world’s first Hästens Sleep Spa Hotel, a 15-room boutique hotel, in the Portuguese city of Coimbra a year later. 

Dr. Rebecca Robbins, a sleep researcher, believes travel industry’s focus on sleep has been a long time coming, particularly with regards to hotels. “When it comes down to it, travelers book hotels for a place to sleep,” she said, and pointed out that the hotel industry has primarily been focused on things that actually detract(减损) from sleep in the past. “People often associate travel with big meals, extending their bed times, the attractions and the things they do while they’re traveling, really almost at the cost of sleep,” she adds. “Now, I think there’s just been a huge shift in our collective awareness and prioritization on wellness and well being.” 

The global pandemic appears to have played a huge part in this. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that 40% of the over 2,500 adults who took part reported a reduction in their sleep quality since the start of the pandemic. “There has been heightened attention to sleep in the Covid-19 era, and likely, because so many people have struggled with this [sleep],” says Dr. Robbins.


1.What does the underlined word “skyrocketed” mean?

A Decreased sharply.

B Risen quickly.

C Survived narrowly.

D Disappeared soon.

解析:选B。B词义猜测题。根据第一段前文“sleep tourism has been growing in popularity”“with an increasing amount of sleep-focused stays popping up”并结合最后一句“focusing their attention on those suffering from sleep-deprivation”可知,睡眠旅游近年来越来越受欢迎,自疫情爆发以来,人们对其的兴趣不断“飙升”,更有一些知名酒店将注意力集中在那些睡眠不足的人身上。故选B。

2.In the second paragraph, the author gives examples to show ___________.

A travelers are more likely to stay in luxury hotels

B more and more people are being deprived of sleep

C well-known hotels give attention to sleep tourism

D the global pandemic prompted an increase in hotels

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第二段内容可知,第二段列举了“Park Hyatt New York”“Rosewood Hotels & Resorts”“Zedwell”“Hästens Sleep Spa Hotel”几个例子来说明近几年来睡眠旅游越来越受到欢迎,一些知名酒店都在关注这方面。故选C。

3.According to Dr. Robbins, what does the travel industry’s focus on sleep indicate?

A Hotels didn’t use to pay attention to travelers.

B People now travel in a different way.

C People are more aware of health.

D Hotels find a new profit model.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第三段中Dr. Robbins所说的话“Now, I think there’s just been a huge shift in our collective awareness and prioritization on wellness and well being.”可知,她认为酒店行业对睡眠的关注说明人们集体意识到了健康的重要性。故选C。

4.In which section of a magazine may this text appear?

A Travel and Entertainment.

B Life and Health.

C Culture and Custom.

D Finance and Business.
