男孩患“天下第一痛” 这台机器让他“重获新生”
男孩患“天下第一痛” 这台机器让他“重获新生”

Melanie Wilford of Manchester, England has a son, Dillon. Seemingly overnight, Dillon woke up in 2021 in pain. That was terrible for a ten-year-old child. His right leg was swollen(肿胀的), discolored, and painful to the touch. In fact, his leg hurt so much that he couldn’t even wear socks or trousers, much less put any weight on it.

For more than a year, Dillon felt very terrible. He spent the night shouting in pain. At one point, he even told his family that he wanted to die. He went through test after test. Finally, doctors discovered Dillon has a rare condition called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).

Melanie began searching for ways to relieve(减轻) Dillon’s pain but quickly discovered that there weren’t many choices in the United Kingdom. That’s when she discovered a new machine that targets(把……作为攻击目标) pain like Dillon’s. It’s called a VECTTOR machine. The only trouble? The machines are only available in Houston, Texas.

Melanie couldn’t book the airline tickets fast enough. In Houston, Dillon met with pain management experts and tried the VECTTOR machine. The results were life-changing. After just the first period of treatment, Dillon’s pain was relieved and he was able to put a little weight on his leg. Days later, his condition improved and he could even put on socks, pants, and shoes for the first time in a year. Most importantly, Dillon’s smile finally returned. Melanie purchased a VECTTOR machine for £5,000 (about $5,333) and brought it back home to England. Dillon now uses it for 40 minutes every day, twice a day.

Dillon’s family are all breathing a huge sigh of relief that Dillon doesn’t feel terrible anymore, and they’re hopeful that his condition continues to become better with time. 


1.How old is Dillon?

A 10.

B 11.

C 12.

D 13.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段第二、三句的“Dillon woke up in 2021 in pain. That was terrible for a ten-year-old child.”可知,去年,狄龙十岁,那么今年他11岁。故选B。

2.Why did Dillon want to die?

A Because he had an accident.

B Because he had many worries.

C Because his right leg was painful.

D Because he went through many tests.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段的“He spent the night shouting in pain. At one point, he even told his family that he wanted to die.”可知,他的右腿很痛,他很痛苦,甚至想死。故选C。

3.What was the only trouble for the family according to Paragraph 3?

A The machines are not available in the UK.

B They didn’t have a lot of money for the machines.

C The family have to give up their life in the UK.

D Dillon is not willing to try the machines.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句的“The machines are only available in Houston, Texas.”可知,这个可以缓解疼痛的机器在英国的医院没有。故选A。

4.What does the underlined word “purchased” mean?

A Cancelled.

B Disappeared.

C Surveyed.

D Bought.

解析:选D。D词义猜测题。根据划线部分后面的“for £5,000”以及前面提到的这个机器很有用可知,他们“买下”了一台VECTTOR机器。故选D。

5.Where can we read the passage?

A In an instruction book.

B In a notice.

C In a newspaper.

D In a history book.
